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7 Signs a Gemini Man Likes You Over Text (+Tips)

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The world of texting is just the thing for a Gemini man. Led by the planet Mercury, Geminians are born to make conversations ablaze with their inherent zeal.

That’s the way Gemini is known to be. They are wild, versatile, restless, and a whirlwind of gushing energy. Their texts will reflect the powerful force in them with their every wordplay.

As we all know, messages are one of the means of communication that are potent with the notes of emotions of the sender and receiver. Naturally, they can sometimes be the strongest mode to deliver the subtle and invisible drops of love that are unseen yet cannot be hidden. 

If you are in the habit of exchanging texts with a Gemini man who has invariably besotted you with his charm and elan, there are signs you need to be familiar with before you try finding out an assertive nod from those texts.

This article is going to be bang on target if you are seeking a credible guide to have the extra shade of light on the texting style of your Gemini guy, revealing something beyond friendship.

Texting pattern of a Gemini man, in general

True to their nature, the messages sent by a Gemini man do not ever lack the flow of enthusiasm. They are talkers, be it in person or on a digital platform. They love to converse with people regardless of the relationship they share with them.

Gemini guys do not know how to stop and are often considered as chatterboxes turned on to let out all the words of the world in one breath.

Their words resemble the flash of thunder. They have the power to radiate intelligence and wit at the same time. Having a conversation with a Gemini guy will never make you feel bored, as their spirit of boisterity is something you would immediately feel at ease with.

One can easily notice their urge to say everything at a stretch. They always have something to make comments on. Their versatility induces a command over diverse subjects, eventually encouraging them to participate in varied discussions. That is why their texts are long and filled with words in rows.

They are unpredictable, and so are their texts. A Gemini guy can text you non-stop on the one hand, and on the other, they can suddenly stop messaging you for a week or months. 

You will see the essence of inconsistency in their messages when they appear on your mobile screen at an odd hour to say they just remembered something and felt like sharing it with you. 

Again, they get distracted easily due to their restless nature and shift their attention from one person to another in the blink of an eye. They are not men who would patiently wait for your reply and are likely to respond to your texts with impressive regularity.

They are funny and lighthearted in their texts and try to avoid topics that have the weight of seriousness

They text for fun and enjoy the hour playing verbal tennis. This is why their texts have an air of playfulness and consist of bone-cracking jokes.

But how do they communicate romantic interest through texts?

To know, stay tuned and jump to the next part.

Signs he likes you through text

Before you dive into the depth of the Geminian world, get a little knowledge of the sign Gemini and how it influences the personality of a Gemini man.

Being a mutable air sign in the zodiac, Gemini characterizes adaptability, flexibility, and a constant curve of change. The male born under this sign is, therefore, highly breezy and loves to navigate challenges with their exceptional prowess of sharpness and witty analysis. 

The Gemini men live to communicate, and so, when we talk about the connection of texts with his romantic interest, it becomes a no-brainer to understand that there would be vivid cues scattered in the textual lines. 

So, no more assumptions. We are about to decode the mystery of words scribbled by your very own Gemini boy.

#1  He talks a good deal in the text

The ‘social butterflies’ of the zodiac are the masterminds crafting lines of affection and moving word by word to the woman they want to woo. 

Texts are their most convenient way of spending long hours chatting with their favorite person without the risk of being confronted directly.

A Gemini man who is crushing on you would take the best care of entertaining you and filling your hours with conversations that shine through your soul.

Gemini males can’t wait for the day they would meet you. They will be glued to the phone screen, typing showers of texts with everything essential to share with you. What you will notice that he will be eager to engage in texts throughout the day for petty to remarkable things.

Moreover, he will express affection in a number of ways through his ‘harmless’ texts by saying, ‘Can’t wait to meet you tomorrow as I’m already missing my smile that curves brighter to see you.’ 

Or sometimes he may text you, ‘Had an amazing evening with my family today. I wish you were there.’

In addition, they will be faster than lightning to reply to you whenever you re-text him. And count this as a huge sign because they are the ones said to have unpredictable mood swings, even in terms of keeping with the pace of verbal communication. 

#2 He initiates conversations

A Gemini guy who has been smitten with your charismatic being can't leave you alone for a minute talking to others. He will come up and initiate a conversation without giving you a chance to stay quiet.

You may catch him taking the first step to open a chat on most of the occasions. If you are still in two minds about whether to strike up a dialogue or not, trust me, you need not worry since your Gemini boy would happily take the responsibility to carry on with his grit to reach out by himself.

He is an ace orator gifted with the skill to connect. And you will witness that in every way, he excels in breaking the ice skilfully to get the ball rolling through his texts.

His texts might start to arrive in the form of casual pings like,

  • ‘I saw the scariest horror movie today, babe. And that reminded me how much you would like it. Guess the name, will you?’
  • ‘Your story on the status was the funniest one of the decade, I must say. Just keep sending some of them to me, too. It jolted my nerves with laughter, you know.’
  • ‘I am listening to your favorite song and remembering the time we heard it together. It was a great time indeed.’

#3 He teases you all the time

A great way to show his romantic interest through texts for a Gemini man is to send a bunch of hilarious jokes to you. This is how he wishes you to laugh and enjoy his virtual company.

The spirit of joviality and cheerfulness of a Gemini lad is infectious, and he knows it well enough to spread the vibe to his lady via textual puns and pleasantry.

He will derive great pleasure from his delightful teasing and poking fun at you.

Don’t be surprised to see yourself giggling and laughing at the most serious moments to see his humorous gags. He will probably be the happiest version of himself to imagine you with tears of laughter, and this is how he feels he can best contribute to your day, which would have gone dull otherwise.

When a Gemini man chooses you to be the one he can engage in light-hearted banter without fail, it may suggest that he enjoys sharing a laugh with you and cherishes the chemistry of amusement growing between you two.

#4 He is consistent in messaging you

This is something most unusual for a Gemini man who texts you. His inner personality is marked by the traits of inconsistency. As I mentioned before, their texting style is weird with unpredictable nature. They behave erratically by disappearing for days and then bombarding you with messages out of nowhere.

But a lover, Gemini takes things in a different light. He never fails to strike a balance and rhythm in texting you. He finds a thread of consistency by responding to your messages within a specific gap, taking time to reply, and checking in on you regularly.

How would you identify he is paying you the attention girls seek from their mates?

  • He is predictable in his communication mode.
  • He never goes to radio silence for days without letting you know.
  • He keeps his promises when he gives you a time to text or asks you to expect his text at a specific hour.
  • He sends random messages that show his willingness to stay close to you and get updated about your life.
  • He remembers to notify you if there is an emergency, and he cannot text you for a while.

#5 He stays curious about your life

Gemini men have a latent explosion of emotions in them. So, when they start talking, they do not seem to be interested in knowing the views of the other person standing on the receiving end of the conversation. If you are just a friend, you would hardly get the opportunity to share your feelings.

But when he loses his heart entirely to you, he will be curious about you and everything related to your life. He will not only listen to your words but also ask you things regarding your personal life.

Hence, his texts might be packed with questions about what your hobbies are, how you like to spend your leisure time, what is your idea of a perfect date, or how you love to enjoy with your friends.

For a Gemini man, everything about his ladylove sparks interest and sounds intriguing.

Let’s divide questions of his inquisitive mind into three parts.

Light and less-serious

  • ‘What is your favorite song, movie, or film star?’
  • ‘Which is the one book that inspired you a lot?’
  • ‘What is your one dream that you want to live before you die?’


  • ‘What is your biggest insecurity?’
  • ‘What lessons did you learn from your past relationships?’
  • ‘How would you want to make your family happy in the coming days?’

Intimate ones

  • ‘What is the worst turn-off for you in a relationship?’
  • ‘How do you like to connect to your partner?’
  • ‘What qualities do you want to see in your significant other?’

#6 He shares his personal details with you

When a Gemini man begins to find his ‘home’ in you, he will want to share some comfortable hours with you, texting about the more intense and less-known sides of himself.

As Geminians are known to be a human magnet weaving thoughts and making conversations a breeze, they can start opening up by gradual disclosure about themselves.

He might stir a stimulating discourse by sharing anecdotes, small incidents, or interesting facts and then gauge your reactions. Later, he may shift to deep-rooted topics like his good memories, his ideas, his values, and intellectual panache as the relationship progresses.

Have a look at a few of them to look for the similarities.

  • He might talk about his priorities, his moral biases, and the ideology he lives by.
  • He might let you know about his expectations and desires about his future relationship.
  • He might reveal his emotional struggles, traumas, and complexes that nobody else has ever got to know.
  • He may offer you glimpses of his past life and the difficult phases that he overcame with resilience.
  • He could discuss his dreams, his fantasies, secrets, and regrets to you to allow you to be comfortable with his dark sides.   
  • He may mention his family members and his experiences with them to you in order to acquaint you with his background and roots.

#7 He flatters you through texts

Gemini men are inherently flirtatious to girls of their preference. If you are lucky enough to be caught in the eyes of a Gemini guy, he will take the time and trouble to lionize your personality with his linguistic eloquence.

He will shower you with compliments that use metaphors and poetic comparisons, and sometimes, he would go to the point of warming you with his rhetorical artistry.

Gemini men are silver-tongued and adept in flattery. They love to cloy sentimentality to those who are exceptional in their eyes.

So, a Gemini man sends you messages that are inundated with all his honeyed words of praise and high regard. And why does he do that?

To create an uplifting environment and a stronger bond with you.

Have a look at how he does so.

  • ‘Hey gorgeous, how did you manage to look so stunning all the time?’
  • ‘You must be really special, honey, as I find myself always thinking about you and can’t help falling in love with your mischievous smile.’
  • ‘If you allow me to speak the truth, I would say I have never met a woman with such a brilliant combination of beauty and brains.’
  • ‘Did I tell you that you have the most arresting eyes in the world?’

Other secret languages of his romantic interest in you

Romance isn't restricted to textual encounters for people charged up as much as a Gemini man. It can be far more than that. Gemini people have the most robust love language through everything they do.

Therefore, if you want to crack the secret code of love, be watchful of the overall gestures he makes.

 I don’t mind giving you the ideas of those dialects of love.

#1 He finds excuses to be around you

As you know, Gemini guys cannot sit and laze around. They need change and excitement at every bend of time. If they carefully choose to be spending time with you, you got to be the apple of their eye.

With close observation, you would figure out how a Gemini man is desperate to stick around you, sending green signals of his growing interest in you.

The sudden outbreak of the feeling called love might have turned him around, creating an urge to stay near you as much as possible. Eventually, he finds the girl with whom he can be really happy, having some treasured moments of candid joy and unguarded laughter. 

And he cannot resist the temptation and rushes to you with sweet excuses.

The purpose being the desire to get your company, he might

  • Ask you to come to his place or accompany you in your household chores by going to your place.
  • Show up in places you might be in for buying something or shopping your daily items.
  • Initiate plans to see you over the weekend.
  • Prioritize your schedules and accommodate them to make time to be with you.

#2 He will have longer conversations with you

The knack for communication and conversation runs through the veins of a Gemini. He cannot stop talking for a minute. And he has a hundred of topics to strike his conversations with.

Yet, you have to pay attention to the difference in dialogues between his ladylove and other casual and friendly acquaintances.

If you are a special one, he would gladly glide into the deeper roots of life with you. He would love to have discussions that reveal the deeper sides of his character, and you would know him as someone completely different from the person he is in front of the people around him.

The conversations with you will be thoughtful and continue for hours on end. Time would seem to come to a standstill until you both realize you have to take a break.

Most importantly, you might be able to discover his true character and nuanced personality through all these personal chats that he feels comfortable to share with you.

#3 He will go partying with you

Gemini is a sign of high spirits and lots of energy. This is the reason men born under this sign are always in for a treat of exuberance and pompous celebration of life.

A Gemini man would probably die without a party. Furthermore, he becomes the center of attraction in a social gathering. So, parties are alive when Geminians abound.

Among the hundred other activities, if you find your Gemini man’s roving eyes lying upon you, it is stating nothing but his new-found romantic pull toward you. 

He might express his wish to take you to those hotspots that will make you feel all free and buzzed with exhilaration. 

This is exactly what stirs him up with more bewilderment. He gets to spend some wild hours of ecstasy, goofing around and partying hard with you, and what else could he ask for once he catches feelings for you?

Parties, clubs, and bars become the more decadent gems of happy hours with you around him, and look how he seems like the ‘king of the world’ to have you beside him.

#4 He will prioritize your needs

Do you know Gemini men are hardly attentive to one single person? Their fluctuating temperament doesn’t allow them to go great with one person in particular.

But get ready for a change if he has been smitten by you lately and takes a fancy to you as his soulmate. 

He will set his eyes fixed on your needs and necessities only when he wants a serious relationship with you. 

And as a result, you will see him prioritizing you and choosing you over everything that he holds close to his heart. 

For example, if he is a gamer obsessed with the gaming world, you may find him putting the remote behind to spend time in private with his new obsession, his beloved.

I got some more examples to show you how sincerely he has become fond of you when 

  • He actively listens to you to understand your words and work on that.
  • He wants your suggestion before setting a plan for the convenience of you both.
  • He resets his time schedules to fit into yours.
  • He refuses to go to his favorite places without you, which, in turn, demonstrates his genuine motive to spend time with you.

#5 He will make frequent eye contacts

Whatever the sign is, people cannot hide their feelings when their eyes betray them. 

Yes, a Gemini boy, too, cares less to make eye contact with you as soon as he hears his own inner voice. 

Cupid must have struck him hard to death with his arrows of romance if he cannot look away from you and goes on sending intense gazes without blinking his eyes.

It will not be an instance of coincidence or isolated examples as you know it will repeat itself the moment you are under the same roof or in the same place of gathering.


  • Do you often notice him holding his gaze on you?
  • Do you see him lost for a few moments looking at you?
  • Do you see a slight curve of a smile in the corners of his lips as he connects with you through eye contact?
  • Does he look straight into your eyes with a language that pierces through your heart?

#6 He will be showing affection in public

Gemini men are not reserved with a withdrawn disposition. They are always outgoing and loud with their expressive countenance. They are vocal in loving and hating. There is this transparency in their character that makes them the life of a gathering. 

And this is the same honesty and outspoken nature that you find in the ways he shows affection in public. Not everybody feels easy and comfortable in an open display of endearment. But, Geminis are. They are super excited when they fall in love and take pride in being lovey-dovey in front of people.

If you are still in a ball of confusion, let me specify some cute examples of PDAs that you might have ignored so far.

  • He gives you hugs as a sign of true joy to see you that lingers longer than usual.
  • He keeps stroking you with light touches on your arm or back during a casual chat.
  • He holds your hand while sharing a joke or crossing roads.
  • He plays with your hair as a playful approach of friendliness.
  • He offers you a harmless embrace around your waist.
  • He kisses your forehead or cheeks lightly in the middle of a crowd to show that he is not afraid to proclaim his love.

#7 He will be the most supportive friend of yours

Friendship is the strongest foundation of a relationship, and a true friend is the one who is ready to walk the extra mile in your shoes. You may be taken aback to hear that Geminians cannot see love where he cannot trace friendship.

When you have a feeling that he has grown into one of your best friends and supports you like a mighty pillar, get it clear that this is a telling sign of a romance lurking beneath the line of camaraderie. 

A Gemini guy wants to find a kindred, a buddy in his partner, and so being friends with you might be a pretty good sign revealing his want of love from you.

Not only that, you will spot the colors of love through sincere acts of protectiveness and concern for you.

How will you differentiate between a loving act and a friendly help?

Wait, since there are signs showing that,

  • He wants to walk you home at night on an abandoned road when you are alone.
  • He is worried about your emotional or physical health during a hard time and checks on you more than often to make sure you are fine.
  • He wants to be readily present when you feel threatened and unsafe.
  • He stands up against all those who might put you down and tries to comfort you with positivity and motivation toward the bright side of anything negative.

Ways to react to his texts with romantic hints and gestures

You have a very strong feeling about the emergence of romance in the heart of your Gemini boy through the dashing strokes of each word he uses in his texts. So, this is the time for some phenomenal actions. 

A fitting reply counts as the best reward for a Gemini man who is madly in love with you.

Hence, craft the magical eight letters with all that you need through your messages.

Here is the mantra to know.

#1 Be flirty and fun

Gemini guys thrive on fun and excitement. So, the equation is simple. Be his partner in crime. Offer change and variety to the texts you exchange.

He is throwing you challenges with his teasing humor. Let him know you are an equal believer in fun and frolic. 

  • Send him funny memes, jokes, and gifs.
  • Share a day’s highlight with him that seems interesting to you.
  • Add witty rejoinders to his intelligent puns.
  • Keep the conversation interactive by adding word plays or inviting him to a game of verbal banter.
  • Spread the note of life and humor by being spontaneously flirty with him using double entendre.
  • Use his pet names in your messages to hint at the warmth and personal touch of intimacy in a light-hearted mode.

#2 Be up for adventures 

An adventurous better half is the best thing that can happen to a Gemini guy who thinks himself lucky to have you. 

When he is already making a pass at you, make it more exciting by adding the element of thrill. Join him in his craving to embark on journeys of daring expeditions.

There are a number of ways to trigger his senses, like

  • Texting him about your wish to visit a new place in the city by saying, ‘I was imagining us hitting the new coffee shop in the city outskirts. What do you say?’ 
  • Planning for a unique experience like exploring the woods in the darkest evening of the year, amidst a frozen lake and with no farmhouse near, and expressing it in the message, ‘Isn’t it a great idea to travel as Robert Frost did in the snowy evening by following the mysterious trails through the forest during the coldest night?
  • Sending him a text about your own holiday experience of something one of a kind and saying, ‘You won’t believe it, I just had a lovely time kayaking the blue lagoons of the northern part of our city. I think we should try it together again, and trust me, you would owe me a thanks.’

#3 Show patience with his inflexibilities

Geminis are rigid conformists to the principles of their own. That means they can be stubbornly adherent to the rules they set for themselves. Although they are independent and adaptable, they prefer to keep others from dictating the conditions to follow. In this regard, they are unrelenting and hard-headed and choose absolute freedom.

You must have seen him going flexible with the routines of others. But. the other part of the coin would explain his indecisive trait of emotional feature. He gets cross with the intrusion of an outsider and refuses to come to terms with their differences.

This is where you need to be cautious and patient. Losing it all would create a fuss over the trivial conflicts. 

To avoid such bitter resentment, 

  • Set boundaries in the relationship.
  • Brainstorm ideas and solutions that suit your preferences.
  • Don’t be judgmental and accept his flaws as a part of a human character.
  • Never interfere with his sense of independence and let him have his own people and things of choice.
  • Give him plenty of space to breathe and know you believe in individual freedom.


  • Be open and adaptable to new things and ideas to match the desire for change in the Gemini man.
  • Keep the conversations going with your talent for participating in multiple subjects initiated by your Gemini boy.
  • Don’t forget to mix playful humor with wit and intelligence while communicating with the Gemini guy.
  • Express your energetic bend by joining him in the bone-stirring activities and adventures.
  • Engage in conversations that stimulate his intellect and draw him close to you.
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