Does Gemini Man Come Back? (The Shocking Truth!)

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Geminis are the third mutable sign of the zodiac. Men with Gemini as their birth sign are unmistakably noticeable for their exuberance and richness of character. Yet, they can be fickle-minded, indecisive, and non-committant in their love life.
A Gemini man can be engaged in multiple dating adventures, break up, and perhaps may come back when their restless mind settles in.
Well, honestly speaking, Geminis are the signs I personally love to talk about because of their charming personality that is no less than temptingly colorful. Whether romantic or not, they will never be dull to be around.
You must have experienced how strong and magnetic his character turns out to be when they come into contact with others, be it a stranger or a friend, and that’s what makes him stand out in a crowd.
Gemini is an Astro sign represented by the symbol of twins that speaks for the duality of their character. It means they have a strange contrasting combination of qualities, which, in some cases, make them seem unpredictable and full of ambivalence.
While dating a woman, Gemini men can get quickly bored after a certain time if there is a lack of excitement and change.
So, if he has recently wanted to break away, it can be temporary because once the wavering hesitance wears off, he might be as desperate to come back as he was in pulling away.
To get you to the core of the matter, astrology might prove a great help as it has the telltale signs of the features and attributes of people that can help you figure out the whole picture out of the vagueness.
Let's not waste time sitting back idle.
How does a Gemini man react after a breakup
Breakups can be lousy, even for the most insensitive people. There is one way or another, people deal with them. It entirely depends on the unique individuality and the pattern of their temperament of how one is going to react after a breakup.
Geminis are not the ones to be fathomed at the stroke of a feather. You need to wait to dive deeper into his character and re-analyze the breakup by virtue of collecting the expert insights and astrological significance of their zodiac signs.
Here are the ways he can behave as soon as he goes back to his singlehood.
#1 He gets aloof
Geminis are marked by vocality. When they mute themselves up for a while after a split, that implies that they are deliberately trying to silence the feeling of hurt they are going through.
Led by the ruling planet Mercury, a male Gemini can be super active in communication and can never get quiet with people he interacts with. So, a wordless mode is the unlikeliest for a Gemini man, and it definitely points to the emotional vortex he can be confronted with.
It might hurt your ears to hear that a Gemini guy can be hellishly inconsistent and go for a number of breakups during the journey of a romantic relationship before he finally makes up his mind for a long-term commitment.
But the good news is that being silent during the post-breakup period is a sign that he doesn’t want to disclose his struggles to accept the separation and is literally getting bogged down by the pangs of estrangement.
Again, as a man of boisterous expression who can hardly hide his emotions, he might find it difficult to wear a pretense of going great for a longer time. That is when he walks back to hush up his niggles and holds them back as long as he manages to.
He might talk to his friends about the phase but won’t be ready to show his vulnerabilities to you and acts distant with the unusual quiet.
One thing you must remember is that trying to get revenge on your Gemini man through this trial period can be absolutely counterproductive and may push him away forever.
#2 He parties hard to keep himself busy
There are a few zodiac signs that are seen staying alone and pining for their loved ones they have parted away from. But this is not how a typical Gemini can be expected to react after the end of a relationship.
So, what do they do?
They would, instead, go partying hard with their friends and find activities that might keep them busy. Do not get confused if I say he is not trying to rejoice in the split-up because it is the most convenient way for them to shut off their ears from the sounds of their inner voice, reminding them of the pain hidden in the corner.
Whether you believe it or not, the extroverted Geminis are not meant for brooding alone or calling up friends to come down to their places to harp on the same strings of melancholy.
Rather, they would immediately go out to seek sources of intense participation in things that are loud and powerful enough to distract his mind from the darkness he is trying to run away from.
He is incorrigibly agile and cannot stay lulled with loneliness. When a breakup hits him, the next probable thing he would choose is to hop into clubs and bars and sway with the rhythm of music and dance.
Or he might hang out with those friends whom he had a chance to reconnect with after the relationship came to a halt, and he has plenty of time to meet them once again.
#3 He travels a lot
Gemini boys are born with a special talent for traveling and exploring places. Now that he has broken up with you, he might try to make it worthwhile by enjoying the freedom and going for a trip all the way to exotic lands of intrigue.
As mentioned before, he belongs to a sign dominated by Mercury, known for communication and long travel pursuits. Therefore, he would, in no time, jump into random expeditions to numerous places of interest. It is nothing, but the way he wants to cope with the loss meted out to him as a consequence of the recent rift.
You may see him posting prolonged updates of his adventurous road trips or mountain climbing experiences online. Yet, it is not impossible that he might realize your absence during those journeys and badly want you back to accompany him in his travel plans.
He may also conclude that no trip of his life can be complete without you after he is done with the travelogs.
In trying to escape from you and the memories of you, he may end up feeling the desire to reconnect with you with all the light-bulb moments of realization.
In reality, he might be filled with a hollowed sense of independence the moment you take two different routes and decide to stay apart. But, know that it can be momentary for the Gemini guy who initially rushes into the joy of his new-found freedom and tries to make the most of it by hitting new places or taking short weekend trips.
#4 He gets confused
This is another side of the Gemini man whose mind is always driven by multiple forces. He can not stick to one single action for a long time and might feel overwhelmed to make the aptest choice for the moment.
When a breakup happens, he might be confused about which would be the first thing to do. He has several ideas spinning around and keeping him all buzzed at the same time.
Sometimes, he decides to meet friends and have a blast with them. Again, he steps back and goes for a casual hook-up to engage his mind with the temporary flings and forget about the past. But, it too doesn't help him much as his indecisive bent of mind takes the toll on his mind, and he again discards the ‘bad idea’.
He is inconsistent and sadly can not be happy about anything at all. When they are in a relationship, they feel burdened with the heaviness of responsibilities and long for fresh air. When they take a break or dump you, to say the worst, they still cannot relax and pulled in by a constant need for diversity.
The same confusion drags him off when he is separated from you, and wonders about the choices he should make that would make sense. He isn’t sure how to take things after the breakup and fails to use his quick mind to consider the right mode of transition he needs to opt for as soon as he is free from his committed status.
#5 He gets into new things
Geminis are one of those zodiacs that are characterized by their flamboyance and ever-going nature to take up the flow of changing courses.
Gemini men are the guys who are in for new hobbies and passions at every turn of their lives, no matter what happens. Yet, unfortunately, their lack of stability does not allow them to hold on to a specific thing, and they keep juggling myriad subjects of interest.
Suppose you two had shared a relationship for a considerable time and had to decide on a breakup for some reason. Now that your Gemini guy is thrown into a sudden change of situations, he would try to replace his older habits with new ones to make his immense energy find the track again.
Passions and hobbies have no end for him, and he would try out varied things to fill in the void left by you.
For example, he may start learning instruments or painting or enroll in courses requiring avid involvement. He might choose activities like fitness training and bodybuilding to work through the bitterness caused by the breakup by pushing his boundaries to challenges.
He can take it as a major transitional period for himself and start adding aesthetic value to a makeover, adopt a new style of dressing or fashion, or get a signature haircut to look more confident and youthful.
Signs he is willing to come back
Geminian males have a few basic traits that speak volumes about their willingness to patch things up. You just need to keep your senses open to receive those hints and be sure of what they are actually up to.
This article will take you one step closer to knowing them.
#1 He starts asking about you from others
As Gemini guys are gregarious, it is possible that they might have mutual friends with their ex, whom they are comfortable enough to spend time cooling off with.
If you and your Gemini boyfriend used to share a common group of people and friends, he might be heard asking about your life and mentioning you to them in the most casual and funniest way.
That's it, my dear. He is caught with his lingering feelings for you that keep him inquisitive about what's going on in your life and how you are making peace with the emptiness after the breakup.
He would meet those friends in specific so that he can get to know about your emotional health during this no-contact period.
These curious inquiries might stem from his efforts to gauge the magnitude of the circumstances and to know whether he still has the door open to re-enter.
Note that he will try his best to camouflage his weakness through his light-hearted way of referring to you time and again and making it a point that it seems uncalculated.
Either it is his ego or his incapability to work up the courage to reconnect that might be pulling him back from taking that one baby step to express his gushing eagerness to talk to you.
In that case, your friends will act much like the common link of communication between you and your Gemini ex, and he would definitely broach you into his conversations with them.
#2 He tries to reach out through text
As a natural conversationalist, a Gemini can take the help of texting to reach you.
It's often the absence of our close ones that teaches us how invaluable their presence used to be.
This might be the reason why the Gemini man stumbles up on dealing with the erratic situations after you chose to leave, or he dumped you and gives in to the temptation to knock you through textual exchanges.
Apart from that, it could be his own way to test the water mindfully and deduce that you, too, are waiting for the reconciliation.
He might begin with a short hello and harmless chats that may sound as something far from being romantic. But, gradually, you can sense the real intention behind his messages.
The texts are simply the missing thread of connection he wanted to make after a hard battle with his inner self.
Due to his lack of decisiveness, he might be moving back and forth before he types the words of care and finally presses the send button. The texts could be the first stepping stair of moving up to you and making the confession.
The dual nature can grab him back until the time he realizes he is going to lose you forever if he doesn't try to initiate a conversation.
His texts might be the elongated documents of his disarrayed thoughts or the piercing ache he tried to conceal so far, and he would repeatedly show concern about your health, your well-being, and how he wanted you to stay happy.
#3 He refers to the past memories
If you see your Gemini guy trying to remind you of the times you had together in the past, it's a pretty strong sign of his desperation to resume the relationship.
Look, for a Gemini fellow, it seems pointless to talk about the sore spots with the lady who is said to be his ex if and when he feels nothing for her.
He has a huge number of people in life with whom he can get along well and live life to the fullest. But if he is actually remembering those good old days of romance and togetherness with you, it suggests that he still considers reuniting with the most special person in his life.
And not only that, he cannot resist himself from sharing them with you to rekindle the lost charm and expressing his yearning to relive those precious moments of romance and warmth.
Gemini guys are outspoken in stating that he was thinking of the happy times he had with you and proving that he couldn't come out of the older days or the relationship.
He will go on bringing up the memories you cherished together, the fun moments, the laughter, the trials, and all those things that stayed close to your heart.
For example, he might simply ping you by saying, “ I just passed by the cafe we met for the first time.” or it could be starting like, “ I was having the best pasta today, and it rang that familiar bell with the dish we shared together on our dinner date.”
#4 He directly states that he misses you
After the cloud of confusion melts away, the Gemini man might be nostalgic about everything about the relationship. He feels like reaching out to you and confessing that he misses you.
This is a direct sign that he is dying to mend things that have been damaged and have you back in his life.
You may raise your eyebrows to hear a Gemini man staying vulnerable and helpless in love. But the truth is that a Gemini man can be a loyal and dedicated lover once he knows you are the one made for him.
The breakup phase is hard, and it gives him the opportunity to reevaluate the relationship much more unbiasedly. He encounters conditions where he learns the most important fact about his life that he cannot stay without you.
The places, the things, the people related to you bring him down in the lanes of memories, and he makes his decision to make each of his unfulfilled dreams come true, but only with you.
He can be filled with rumination and call you to say that he cannot believe it's over, or he can't think of a minute in your absence, or life became a hell having you no more with him.
Listen to his pleas closely, and you will know he is making his way to bridge the gap between you two.
#5 He apologizes for his mistake
This is the stage when he understands the blunder he did and wants to say sorry. He would take no roundabout ways but the road that leads straight to you.
He would ask for forgiveness and admit the wrong he did to you. It is his genuine remorse that he feels apologetic for his own misdeed.
A Gemini man urging you for a revival of the old spark is undoubtedly looking for a second chance to make amends.
His sincerity is unquestionable because once a Gemini guy approaches accepting his role in screwing things up, it is heartfelt.
He is not playing a game this time, instead, he wants you to know that he is a changed man who is now ready to take things forward and act responsible toward his loved ones.
In addition, you can notice that he has evolved a lot through the hard times when he had to stay away from you. It has helped him realize the true worth of the relationship by reflecting on his own misdemeanors and the worst ways he has treated you with.
His apology is a genuine call for a fresh start with you, and it's not a trick to mislead you whatsoever.
#6 You have a gut feeling about his presence
It is your intuition sometimes that can show you the invisible pull of affection he might still feel for you.
You have a gut feeling that he is there for you whenever you need him or his company. You might sense that he is always in the background following your steps and ready to lend his hand whenever you have a fall.
Let me broaden the statement with brief examples.
Imagine you are taking a stroll in the familiar park you both have frequented a hundred times and might catch him wandering around. Or suppose you have gone to the restaurant with your friends and took notice of him sitting in the corner.
These tell you that he couldn't get out of the memories of the days and reminisces them in his own ways.
You can feel his presence in your life, and your instincts tell you that you never actually parted ways. Yes, it may take time longer than you expected, as Geminis are masters of being thoroughly undecided and need months or sometimes a year to reach out.
How to make him walk toward you
Gemini men hate boredom. Perhaps he has gone into a no-contact rule after feeling dull in the relationship. If you still adore him and hope for his return, don’t just sit back and keep reeling about his reappearance.
I can provide tips that will never fail your Gemini ex.
Look down and know how.
#1 Send him accidental messages
It’s a clever yet sweet trick to trigger an air of curiosity in the Gemini man who is too laid-back to take the first step and try for a reunion.
You might be losing patience awaiting his texts or calls. Again, sending him direct messages or calling him straight away will make you sound clingy and desperate. He may feel a sense of superiority or might feel annoyed.
Then, how would you make him look up and regret his misdeeds?
Write a brief and lightly stimulating note to stir up his emotions, asleep for a while, and see how he reacts. If it sounds interesting, he would find it hard not to ask you about it, or it might leave him faltering with his feelings, and he cannot stay calm about it.
For instance, say something like, “ What a great time we had today. I will never forget the day. Thanks for your company.” And immediately send a “Sorry, I sent it to you by mistake.”
Or you can try saying, ‘Missing you badly. Can’t wait for the next time we meet,’ followed by an instant message saying,’ Oops, extremely sorry, it was not meant for you.’
What happens next might be incredible. His complacency and confidence in you can be shattered into pieces with thousands of doubts and questions regarding your texts ‘sent by mistake’.
He might either ask you by starting a conversation or try reaching your friends to know the secrets, and that's the masterstroke you made with a small reward in the end.
#2 Do not initiate things on your own
As we know, Gemini fellows are lovers of freedom. They feel disgusted to be pestered or nagged by someone in a relationship. Even when they dump you and want to break free from the shackles of the commitment, they can hardly resist striking up a conversation with you for a long time.
And it would happen only when you can give them the time to process their emotions with the utmost freedom and without the stress of compulsion.
If you try to contact him before he does, he will turn his eyes away from the thought of a comeback. On the contrary, he may consider the breakup as the most sensible choice of his life that gave him a chance to live his life without the hammering sounds of his significant other, disrupting the free flight of a typical Gemini guy.
But if you manage to freeze him out and act as if he doesn’t exist, chances are high that he may come running back to you in search of validation and out of his communicative nature.
#3 Don’t say yes as soon as he wants to meet
It is thought that a little mystery is always a good thing for lovers, especially when it’s a Gemini man. His inconsistency often gets on his nerves, and out of impulse, he may contact you to feed his ego that you are still emotionally available for you and cannot say no if he wants to meet you.
This is an hour when you need to learn to say ‘no’ in a polite way. Use no harsh words that can turn him against you or close the door for rapprochement forever.
Let him know what he was missing out on by soft rejections a couple of times. That will help you know how truly he wants to revive the relationship.
The moment he reconnects, you can tell him, ‘I don't think I will be able to make it for the next few weeks as I'm busy with some of my important projects, and I can neither make myself free on the weekends as well since I have a few personal plans with friends and colleagues.’
#4 Groom up and look good
The best thing you can do to yourself during this time is to prioritize your appearance and the way you present yourself.
Be at your most dynamic self with a new touch-up and a few brushes of skin care. Eat healthy and look like a person who radiates confidence and a glow of optimism.
Geminis are attracted to visual appeal and so. when he sees you in the new form of beauty, he might regret losing the rarest gem due to his failure to know your value. It might show him the quality of how effortlessly you can look beautiful and how foolishly he ignored that.
Since Geminis love to stay hopeful and full of positivity, your unguarded glimmer will not slip away unnoticed, and he would be planning to give it another try to get back together.
#5 Get busy with your own friends
Friends, people, gatherings, and excitement this is all that defines a Gemini man’s soft spots. He is called a social butterfly for his tremendously outgoing and spunky nature. Therefore, he is easily carried away by people who believe in the same principle of ‘eat, pray and love’.
When I say this, I want you to know that this is how you can tick off the dates on your calendar by meeting new friends and proving that you are the best match for the lively and dashing Geminian who thought you didn't deserve him.
Just be as easy as he always wanted you to be, mix up with people, have fun, and show off the color and glamor of your new identity on social media.
Post vivid pictures of your high spirits that can outshine his vivacity and manifest your vitality. Stay busy discovering the essence of life and reconnect with your old buddies who can gift you back the lost love for yourself.
To see you basking in your own glory, he will change his mind and rethink his choice to break up with you.
Here are a few things to remember while dealing with a breakup with a Gemini man
To navigate a breakup with a Gemini man, use your insights and intelligence hand in hand. Don’t forget that he is frisky, impatient, and exceptionally pacy. He will be no pushover to fall for anyone. Before you expect him to repent of his actions and take a U-turn toward you, keep these key points in mind.
#1 Stay quiet and give him time
Geminians are not brooders. They love life. They savor the flavor of opportunities life bestows them. Even after a breakup, they won't stop living and laughing. They will need time to register the blow of reality gradually and through a slow process.
If you try to meddle in his independent life, he will never have his eyes open to his own faults or the cracks he inflicted on the relationship.
Stay quiet until he comes to a point of realization. Give him all the space he requires to retrospect and introspect.
At the end of the day, everybody needs a home to return to, a pair of loving arms to embrace him, and a dose of comfort from his beloved, regardless of his extraordinary oomph. And when your Gemini man is engulfed by loneliness and the sting of isolation, he will start reshaping his thoughts about you and the relationship.
#2 Do not get into mind games
Playing mind games is a strict no for Gemini men. It can fuel up negativity in him. The foundation of a relationship is trust and honest communication, and anything manipulative can make it shaky and questionable.
Gemini lads are extremely discerning and sharp in detecting deviousness and identify deception in the guise of innocence. If he perceives anything suspicious or catches you badmouthing him or pretending a drama for a reunion, he would grow resentful and might turn vindictive against you.
So, you must keep your thoughts of trickery aside as it can badly backfire and damage the relationship permanently at the cost of your self-respect.
#3 Show your independent identity
Gemini is a sign of independence, and they are immensely fond of people who inspire force and energy.
A breakup is not always bad since it can open up options for you to work on your drawbacks and regressive qualities. Taking a pause is fine when it comes to resetting your journey with a Gemini man by focusing on your own bunch of emotions and womanhood.
Show him your striking traits that he has never met before. Be self-sufficient, take up new hobbies, explore things, and thrive on selfhood. Stay happy with your quirks, with your uniqueness, with your autonomy.
Believe in yourself and let things come organically. Grow into someone who doesn’t need the approval of others to earn happiness. It will impress him the minute you will show up with the authenticity of your renewed identity.
How long can it take for a Geminian to come back (Timelines and phases in brief)
Each individual is different, irrespective of their astro signs. Having said that, I would like to add that there are specific attributes that take leading roles in a person’s behavior and his responses to a particular stimulation.
Gemini is an air sign that has duality inherent in them. They are pulled and pushed several times before it's time to take the final route.
Let's break down the tentative timeline into phases based on their emotional state.
The first phase is the one when he gets the initial jolt of the breakup and becomes numb with shock about how to react. He takes weeks or even months to come to terms with his emotional baggage.
Once he can let go of the negative thoughts, he tries to stay preoccupied with things that interest him and seeks out kindred spirits by expanding his social circle.
During the third stage, he gets a little worn out and starts looking back at the days that are gone and recalls the times spent with his partner.
In the next phase, he puts in effort to get in touch with his ex, texts or calls her and asks her for a date. He apologizes, regrets, and pleads for a second chance.
The final part is the one where he ultimately pulls the trigger to restart or to break the tie forever and move on.
In short, it is difficult to assume the exact timeline of the comeback because it depends hugely on the person, his set of thoughts, and the nature of his relationship with his ex-partner.
But different stages of his emotional evolution might help you view and guess the possible timeframe it might take for him to come back or initiate something positive.
Last but not least, lie the quick tips.
- Try keeping the element of surprise and excitement in your life that might intrigue him into returning to you.
- Geminis appreciate positive energy, so be the one with optimism and boisterity.
- Demonstrate your quality to stay adaptable to his unpredictability.
- Intellectual stimulation works wonders for a Gemini guy. Do show your depth of intellect and emotional prowess to spark up his interest.
- Be an independent woman with an imposing personality that can blow up anyone who prefers spice and color to his life.