Do Aries Men Return After a Breakup?

Table of Contents
Breakups sound painful and horrible. This is a term couples dread the most. What they fear more is the prospect of their lives after going through a split and whether there is a chance of reunion.
Unfortunately, the bitter experience of breakups hits everybody at some point in time, whether we want it or not. But that doesn’t end the story there altogether because we like to keep a tiny ray of hope amidst the darkness.
This hope makes us believe that our ex-partners would certainly turn back to us and try to patch things up.
Now, how would we know whether we are deluded or not? Is there a door open for us to knock for aid?
Well, astrology has a range of sections that can unfold the book of personalities based on zodiac signs. It could help you with a generalized view of individuals and their behaviors when encountering something as unpleasant as a breakup.
If it’s an aries man you are concerned about, the zodiac knowledge coupled with the special insight into relational conflicts might prove invaluable.
This blog spot is going to be your one-stop solution for understanding an Aries lad and the chances of his return.
Let’s head on.
Aries man in a nutshell
Aries is the first baby of the zodiac signs. It is ruled by Mars, ensuring an animal instinct and a volatile temperament in the people belonging to it. Aries is further represented by fire as its core element that creates a ball of fiery passion in him.
An Aries man is known to be strong and highly energetic, having a natural propensity to take charge. He is born with an inherent knack for being confident and unbreakable in the face of trials.
Aries men act on impulses. They are instinctive and equally obstinate in sticking hard to their own logic. This makes him frustrated when confronted with contradictions and differences of opinion. However, they turn a deaf ear to criticism and move on at their own pace, leaving no place for unsolicited suggestions.
An Aries guy has an ambitious nature that drives him toward goals and remarkable careers. He strives to excel in whatever he does with an objective to be the best among all. He never gets satisfied with sharing the second position and refuses to stop until he masters perfection and reaches the zenith.
He is the most competitive one among all the zodiacs in an Astro chart and believes in refining his finess by dint of hard work and single-minded resolution.
One of the less-known facts about an Aries man is his seemingly selfish version that comes into play when it comes to his professional fronts and work plans.
He becomes unbending, uncaring, and a little ruthless regarding his aspirations and targeted things and goes to the point of ignoring his personal life and relations for the sake of his goals and aims.
He does not hesitate to sacrifice his own people when he is on a mission to achieve something. Yet, at other times, he is a matchless peer to his friends and family, for whom he is gladly ready to walk the extra mile in spite of having no hope for acknowledgment.
An Aries lad loves to stay energetic and enthusiastic as long as things do not get monotonous. Anything that induces routine and repetition becomes lifeless to Aries men, and their buzzing ardor slacks off.
Now, in the following sections, we would explore him as a lover and what to expect from him once he breaks up with his partner.
Why does an Aries man leave his partner
An Aries man is all bird in living up his life. His love for freedom and uncompromising nature often get in the way of his romantic relationships.
He is a great lover who can go out of his way for his beloved. But, if he is unsettled by any of the negative behaviors of his partner, he turns into an equally short-tempered guy who keeps on sulking and distancing himself.
There are a lot of reasons on the list why an Aries guy may be turning his back on you. Counting the most common ones, here is what comes on the surface:
- If his partner goes on dictating her terms to him and interferes with his sense of freedom, he begins to grow resentful.
- When he starts getting suffocated by the clinginess of his partner, who refuses to leave him alone.
- Aries are loyal ones and hate infidelity like anything. Any sign of lack of loyalty hits him hard, and he decides this is the end of everything.
- He, being the first sign of the zodiac planet, needs constant pampering, and the absence of it from his partner may make him sour against her.
- He gets easily burnt out when things in the relationship get repetitive and dull.
- Aries men need plenty of space, so they think the relationship is not worth it if they feel suffocated by their better halves.
Heading on to the next part, I hope you will get to know how Aries men deal with a breakup.
How does an Aries man react after a breakup
Aries men are like those hard-headed kids who throw tantrums when they don’t get their way. When a breakup happens, there is no one way they choose to handle it.
Yes, they do several things simultaneously as a reaction to the breakup.
Down here are some of those things a mighty Aries does on meeting with a split with his partner.
#1 He jumps into new commitments
An Aries man is a man of impulses. Unlike others, he doesn’t sit to mourn what is no longer there in his life. He becomes restless as he feels a desperate urge to get into a new relationship right at the moment.
He thinks, or rather tries to think, that he has no time for holding on to his ex and looks forward to getting along with someone else.
This doesn’t show that the Aries guy has lost interest in you or gone too far to remember you because it is his whimsical nature that is pushing him toward a hunger for fresh commitments to fill up the emptiness after the breakup.
He might be willing to show you that he has moved on and cares less about what happened in the past while you may be still struggling to get over the shock.
You might learn that
- He is dating people randomly after you broke up with him.
- He has opened accounts on numerous dating sites.
- He is building social networks to find exposure to new people.
- He is meeting friends of friends in order to engage in casual flings.
Now, don’t be upset to find him moving into relationships, as this might be a temporary phase of his hastiness that will result in nothing serious.
#2 His ego is hurt
Aries is highly egoistic, especially in terms of personal relationships. An Aries man will never accept playing second fiddle or being rejected by someone.
He prioritizes his self-conceit over everything and everybody. So, if he ever sees that there is a chance of being dumped by you, he will rather back away first before facing negation.
And when the breakup is initiated by you, it will be a massive blow to the sense of self-importance of the Aries guy. He will be mad at you to have the courage to leave you.
As a result, he may go to the extent of badmouthing you or calling you names.
You might be hurt and horrified seeing him engage in mudslinging and maligning your reputation. But trust me, Aries men can be at their worst when their self-pride is in the line.
That is when their insecurities, too, are triggered to the point of lashing out at you for the way you jilted him.
Instead of feeling down with sorrow, the first thing Aries men do is to bang their heads in fury and be outrageously rancorous toward his ex, who has deserted him.
#3 He behaves childishly
Aries men act irrationally most of the times in the face of emotional breakdowns and fail to show psychological cohesion. This is why a breakup can turn him wild, and he ends up being discomfited.
Aries men possess an immature state of mind that refuses to stay poised and composed in the times when life throws unexpected curveballs to them. He grows resentful and obnoxious toward those who do not fit into his expectations to grab immediate attention.
He considers breakup as something questioning his self-worth, which, by no means, can be put at stake.
Unfortunately, he cannot control his anger or bitterness and goes on doing things that lack logic and emotional stoicism.
Whether he is the one dumping you or the other way around, he reacts in a way that’s quietly unlikely for an adult.
Do you want some ideas of his childish responses?
- He may call and abuse you in the spur of the moment as an outburst of his grievances.
- He might spread rumors or talk ill of you behind your back to stir your reactions.
- He might create a scene in public to vent out and accuse you.
- He may try to prove that you are the one who has incurred a loss for yourself by ending the relationship.
- He might get insensitive in expressing his grudge through texts, even if that comes at the cost of hurting your feelings.
#4 He becomes busy with himself
Coping with a breakup takes immense courage and strength of mind. It doesn’t come to the weaklings who have a frail and fragile heart. As their astrological sign denotes, Aries are known to be lionhearted and fierce who do not bend despite being hit by an emotional fallout.
The best way he thinks he can treat the breakup is by staying busy with his own life and putting on a mask of happiness.
He jumps into multiple activities to dissociate himself from the unpleasant memories that might beckon him on and off and ruin his future.
A close look at his zodiac features will reveal that he is a man who is not meant for losing in loneliness as soon as he is abandoned by someone close. He never stops living or dreaming of better days, no matter what.
So, what are the possible things he embraces to replace the pain with pleasure?
- He tries to channel his energy into physical pursuits like extensive fitness practices by hitting a gym regularly and vigorously.
- He starts overcompensating by socializing with friends, his close family members, and neighbors.
- He turns to creative exercises and pursues things related to art, music, and intellectual involvement.
- He grows more ambitious and focuses on his career, sometimes devoting himself mindlessly for hours.
- He considers seeing the world outside the relationship and finding greater joys in smaller things.
- He picks up a passion for new subjects like rock climbing, adventure sports, or exploring virgin places.
When does he feel like coming back
One good thing about an Aries man is that he can be as hasty retreating from a relationship as about taking a U-turn toward it. What I mean by saying this is that there is a valid chance for an Aries man to come back after the initial resurgence of emotions subsides.
Putting them under the microscope might help in clearing the mist.
#1 He realizes the impulsivity of his action
After going through the painful stage of a breakup, an Aries man might be in a state to see things more neutrally and realize that it was his thoughtless act to decide on a separation. A clear reflection, in most cases, helps him find faults with himself and acknowledge the impulsivity of his actions.
The unexpected suddenness of events might have stopped him from retrospecting his behaviors and incidents leading to the final crack. But, once the overwhelming anger pacifies, he regains the insight, sense, and sensibility to have a different and logical perspective on the momentary explosion of negative emotions.
Now, you may ask me what the specific things that may push him into reconsideration could be.
Well, they are more than in number if I keep using my common sense and personal experience.
- It can be his friends or family who have criticized him for his thoughtless behavior.
- The pain of loss after the breakup can serve as a potential wake-up call for him.
- He might identify the same impulsivity bearing almost similar consequences in the relationships immediately following his breakup with you.
- He may question his act after talking to someone he adores and trusts.
#2 He misses your warmth
Aries men are soft-hearted inside despite their constant effort to appear cold and unaffected. They suffer a lot in private as soon as they are separated from their loved ones. But, their self-asserted self pulls them back a hundred times before yielding to their ex.
The inside story is different as an Aries lover is prone to miss the warmth of support you used to provide him with. He might remember all the days you spent together laughing, cuddling, sharing the best parts of your life.
He might long for the way he used to feel special around you or the innumerable ways you have got his back in the ugliest situations.
Aries men are the most vulnerable ones when they are stung by the emptiness left by the people who used to be the most important parts of their lives.
But they know no words to lament and get back to their former lives. It is when they know how much you mean to them and how much they need you back.
There are some of the circumstances that might act as the eye-opener for an Aries fellow.
- He might be reminded of your company in the most visited places by you two and feel a sharp pain of memory.
- He might discover your presence more acutely during the trips with friends or gatherings with common people you had.
- He might be feeling lost when he needs advice for a difficult task.
- He may terribly wish you were with him in the times when he requires someone to listen to him.
#3 He wants to repair the damage
Aries men are said to be tight-lipped about confessing their own mistakes or taking the trouble to see through their contribution in a commotion.
But life sometimes plays a greater role in making him realize what damage he has caused. He might undergo a change of thought and opinion toward a disagreement through tough lessons where he knows you were right and he was wrong.
On confronting the truth, he gets remorseful and tries to admit his fault and say sorry. This is a point where he feels sincerely and genuinely apologetic and acknowledges the fact that he is responsible for making a wrong choice.
Next thing he does to make up for his wrongdoing is to
- Send you texts asking for forgiveness.
- Writes long letters full of regrets.
- Requests to meet up and takes responsibility for his misdeed.
His guilty conscience is a stark reminder that he should seek a second chance to straighten things up and make a fresh start as a changed man and ideal partner.
#4 He cannot hold his curiosity back
Some Aries men are likely to get curious about their exes and the things taking place in their lives. They are complacent about their class and charm in a way that they firmly believe their exes deserve no better than him.
So, the moment they see their ex moving on with somebody else, the curiosity to get to the nub of it becomes their primary job.
An Aries guy might not be able to keep calm without prying on his ex-partner to be happy with her life. He steps forward to reconnect and poke at your wounds.
He may embark on a realization that you are someone he cannot part with only when you start feeling interested in other guys. Your Aries boy would suddenly keep tabs on your personal life to see his own priorities going down.
You may not be pleased to hear that sometimes an Aries guy revives the old relationship simply to feed his ego and ensure his own status in your life. It may not be a sign of his genuine concern that he rejoins the broken connection. In that case, tread carefully and try to fathom the authenticity of his remorses.
Follow these simple steps to be sure.
- Keep quiet for some time and see how his actions align with his words.
- Consider if he has really changed his way of looking at things.
- Tell him you have no grudges against him but do not want to promise a lifelong commitment right now to see his reactions.
- Observe how he treats you despite knowing you are seeing someone else.
#5 He still loves you
We are all but the puppets playing on the threads of destiny and, at times, circumstances that are beyond our control. It is not unusual that an Aries man is just a victim of those series of unavoidable conditions and has been forced to part ways despite nurturing feelings for you.
But, the truth is that he cannot hold it for long and eventually manifests his deep love for you through acts of kindness and invisible support.
Perhaps he thought a breakup might help both of you to grow as human beings, and he would be a better friend if not a good soulmate. Yet, as time rolls by, he might find you going along fine and feels jealous of all those who stay close to you.
And again, his impulses loom large and get the better of his endurance. He cannot avoid his affection for you and finds himself reaching out to you for a reunion.
His caring self rushes into dialing your number as he gets all over the place and fails to disregard his heartfelt passion for you.
One thing I must mention is that Aries are absolutely adorable when it comes to romantic relationships. They can both make and break if their relationship demands. If he possesses unconditional and unwavering love for you, he can’t help returning to hold you in his arms like before, and trust me, you will know that without exceptional skills to read minds.
#6 He craves physical proximity
Physical closeness plays a pivotal role in the love life of Aries men. They are sure to savor every bit of the sensual exchanges with their partners while in a relationship.
Therefore, it may be one of the principal reasons why an Aries man cannot resist himself from his ex.
Count it in if the chemistry of physical needs between you and your Aries man used to be one of a kind because chances are high that he is still fantasizing about those moments of physical intimacy. It is the call of the flesh that might drive him mad about getting you back and satiate the urge of instincts.
Therefore, before you relent to his innocent pleas to restore the relationship, try to keep it on an emotional surface instead of allowing him to come into your private orbit and touch you with excuses of showing affection.
Whether he is sincere in his approach can be traced by
- His body language whenever you are around.
- Eye contact he might constantly make with you, revealing the passion.
- Ways he cares about the little things that make a difference to you.
- Conversations and words he uses to express his love.
How to trigger his interest back again
An Aries man is never too quick to feel reluctant about somebody. If you think there is room for a revival of your relationship, don’t lose hope too soon. To trigger his interest, have a set of tricks in mind.
Eager to know them?
Scroll down further to find the answers.
#1 Respect the break and give him time
You know your Aries man can’t be off you simply because you had some conflicts. In most cases, the break actually serves as a means to reframe the way of looking at things. Once he goes into a no-contact zone, he has the time to learn that he cannot be left alone for long.
If you communicate restlessly, he might take you for granted and act indifferently. Remember that Aries men are a little proud, and your expectations might prove to be a sign of your weakness.
Instead, it will be wise to play by his terms and give him enough space to face the music.
An Aries guy is the king of whimsicality. His capricious streak prevents him from going too far before the truth dawns on him. When he is allowed the time to understand the whole picture with clarity, he often gets mellowed down and feels that you are the missing part of happiness he must rejoin.
Hold on to the no-contact rules until the tables are turned.
- Let him have the opportunity to miss you and regret his actions.
- Show him you respect his choice and have the dignity to overcome your soft spots.
- Send a customary message to ask about his health in case he is sick, or wish him on special dates just to demonstrate that you still care, without mentioning your former terms of romance.
#2 Be hard to catch
Make up your mind to become someone who can resist the temptation of contacting her Aries ex.
This is as simple as it sounds. People tend to value those that are difficult to achieve, regardless of the zodiac signs. You will surely evoke mystery as long as the Aries guy finds you less available for him.
Aries men start being inquisitive when they are kept in the dark about your private life.
As the saying goes, ‘A girl should be like a butterfly. Pretty to see, hard to catch’ you need to be as elusive as one can be. That’s how you get the attention of an Aries guy who has never seen you this way.
You might ask me how to remain unreachable.
- Cut all the ties of communication from him
- Turn off social media for a while.
- Stop hitting likes or making comments on the posts he shares.
- Don't discuss him with friends behind his back.
#3 Focus on growth
A breakup comes with its brighter sides, too. It sometimes gives you options for working on your growth in spite of the painful consequences it might bring out.
Focusing on your inner nourishment may serve you two purposes. It will catch the eyes of the Aries man, who may be stunned to see you in a new shape and with more confidence and reconsider his choice to break up with you.
Again, you can be able to turn a new chapter of your life where you need not pretend to be someone you are not. You would be free to rediscover the forsaken bits of yourself that you might have ignored so far.
And the time you cultivate yourself, your Aries boy may begin to feel enamored once again with your self-assured aura. He may be drawn to your positivity and self-dependence and think it is the right time to contact you.
#4 Show off your progress
Aries men can be jealous like hell when they see their exes are ticking along fine without them. And this is the stroke of a lesson you need to teach him before it’s too late.
You are an independent girl who does not bother to stay sad and low on spirits for a guy who has dumped you, and this is what you should hint him about.
Making progress is how life is, and so staying in tune with the spirit of going can never put you down. It will take you to the path of enrichment, which you should be proud to show around.
Make sure you make a grand display of your success and accomplishments. Being showy can be helpful when people are blind to your inner qualities.
Remember a few things, like
- Don't try to avoid occasions where you have a chance to run into your Aries man because it should, once again, prove that he is not important enough to waste an evening prioritizing his presence.
- Use social media as an effective and indirect means to flaunt your social life to make it clear that you can be happy even if you are not there.
- Chalk out long travel plans and update your status with engaging hooks on your new trips. It will set him off to witness that you are enjoying life with others.
#5 Accept the truth and care less about the past
Living in the past doesn't do any good to you when you have ended the relationship with an Aries guy. The more you stay vulnerable, the more power he gains to ignore you. So, it is wise to leave your past behind and revel in the present.
Whatever the end breeds for you, accept it. It is the acceptance that uplifts you to a state of empowerment that gives you strength to combat the tormenting blows of memory.
Aries men are the kind of people who hate clingy partners. They want space to breathe.
When you go on mourning your past wounds, there is a possibility of being thrown into midnight despair for your ex, and in the next morning, you may end up sending him texts that clearly express your helplessness and need to have him back.
No, you can't do that, honey, if you really want your Aries guy not to feel annoyed at your peskiness.
Respect the silence that implies you prioritize your self-respect. Aries people are fond of women who have their own good voice and a sense of self-reliance.
He will always appreciate the way you maintain your integrity in dealing with the breakup and the consequent loneliness. If there is one small dot of light to keep your hope alive, it can be how you learn to celebrate your own life.
To make your Aries half regret losing you, use some harmless tips.
- Broaden your circle of friends and close people to share the rest of the positivity of life outside your relationship. Let the Aries ex know you are not alone.
- Radiate independence, confidence, and the shine of assertion to show him you are enough for yourself.
- Stay away from trickery and manipulation to avoid miscommunication.
- Pause for a specific span of time and allow him to get over the impulsive frame of mind.
- Have patience and stay calm until you are sure about his next approach.
- Prioritize your own happiness and trust your heart. After all, it’s your inner voice that will foresee the turn of events in a romantic story.
- Keep your dignity unaffected by the temptation to call him first.