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9 Signs a Gemini Man Just Wants to Be Friends (+Tips)

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Geminis are the most dynamic characters of all the zodiac sun signs. They are marked by thrill and boisterity. By hearing the name Gemini, the first thing to come to mind is energy and vibrancy. So it's obvious that Gemini men are great to explore. And it's not a rare thing to be smitten by their animated personality. 

The element of duality in them will often mystify you and you are kept reeling about their emotional bent toward you. Struck by the flame of love, you may be eager to keep track of their real motive and get certain about your place in their lives.

So I am here to assist you with your emotional bedlam. Step by step, we would cultivate Gemini's characters, perspectives toward the idea of friendship, and the vivid signs bearing the cues about whether they take you as a friend or someone more than that. 

Come and root out from here on.

Signs a Gemini man just wants to be friends

Dating is an exciting journey. But when it is about dating a Gemini, the excitement gets high on its vibes. They will never be easy to capture. The elusive guys have fun dodging people. So you must brace yourself for the treacherous game. 

At one moment you will think he is sure to be in for you, but the next moment you will be convinced that he is nothing more than a friend. It will be all so baffling. So where is the end of this confusion? Will you see the sunshine after a storm? Yes, sweatie. It's time to hope for the silver lining under the clouds of mystery.

The door is open with visible signs. Let's meet inside.

#1 He doesn't bother about your physical beauty

Looks and appearance play a huge role in a romantic relationship. You would love to be praised by your partner for how you present yourself. Before you wear a nice dress, the first thing going into your mind as the priority will be to look not only presentable but also desirable before your special man.

Now the trick lies here. Geminis are exceptional communicators. They won't hide the surprise if they feel something special for you. But they will find nothing to communicate if you are one of their friends. Your physical appearance will hardly make a difference to him if he has a friendly feeling toward you

Let me elaborate by showing examples. Suppose you are beautifully decked up for a special occasion or a night party and he is to accompany you to the same event. You come up with the prettiest dress from your wardrobe to impress him. But you will notice no change in his behavior. He neither notices nor compliments your appearance.

Take one more instance. You have got yourself a new and trendy haircut that goes perfect with your shapely figure. You look like a goddess in a human body. But he is sitting in a corner playing games, hardly bothered to look up. And when he finally does he feels it amusing or doesn't even pay attention to your alluring beauty that is almost irresistible for any other guy with a romantic interest.

Geminis are romantic to their partners and shower passionate compliments on their partners' appearance. So if he doesn't do that, it's pretty evident that he treats you as a friend and not as a lover.

#2 He is not a jealous man

Jealousy has a different implication in the dynamics of a romantic relationship. It is no longer a complex feeling but rather a sweet indication of a bubbling fondness. If you need to know what is there in the mind of your Gemini man, this is the best opportunity to test him.

Geminis are expressive and loud about their intentions and thoughts. So it is sometimes easy to read the marks of pleasure or displeasure through their facial expression. If they get jealous, their discomfort will be visible and nothing hard to identify. 

If he is interested in a romantic hookup with you, there would be signs of his behavioral changes. When you mention other men, you will probably notice him getting upset or uneasy. He would try to distract your attention to other things or clearly show his disapproval with leading gestures.

With a pure intention of keeping a friendship with you, a Gemini guy would be passive at hearing about other men from you. There will be no sign of possessiveness or jealousy in him when you talk about other guys. 

I can give you incidental examples of this. You can try it by exaggerating your closeness with your male friends or a specific male friend to spark a reaction in him. If he is just a friend and nothing more, he will remain unstirred and cool with it. 

Or you can cook up a false story about your recent encounter with a guy, how wonderful you feel in his company, and how badly you want to meet him. You can notice his discomfort if he cannot tolerate the references to the other guy. He may even discourage you from the newly grown acquaintance with the guy by saying negative things about him.

But if he doesn't express a single drop of jealousy and rage at this, consider this to be hinting at the clear truth that he doesn't want anything but a friendship from you.

#3 He treats you like his other female friends

Gemini men are social creatures. They love people and you can see him comfortable being engaged in a social interaction. One special trait of their character is their adaptability to women. They get along with them quite fine.

If you are looking for a clue, be attentive to his way of mingling with girls. A special one will always get special attention. This is really confusing about the Gemini guys and how they gel with women with the same finesse. They all seem to be his close ones and you can never differentiate one from the other.

Do you get special treatment out of these female friends of his? Okay, just place yourself in a hypothetical situation. Imagine he is goofing around with friends who are mostly women. And he is bantering in an easy-breezy mood. Some nasty comment pops up and is addressed to you with a tone of humor. Everybody laughs it off. But a lover Gemini would be visibly uncomfortable and irritated. In case he is just a friend, he will simply join others in the joke and enjoy the fun.

Take another example. He is known to be a gossip boy who becomes the center of attention talking about the spicy stories of others' lives. And he is involved with all his attention to the conversation adding new information and interesting secrets. 

But in his private hours, he loves to have intimate and thoughtful conversations. A girlfriend among the girl-friends would be the only one sharing those deep and meaningful talks, besides being a part of his casual chats.

You have to deduce the fact that he wants you to be his friend only when you know that he has never had one of those private conversations with you about his unknown self and his unwritten emotions.

#4 He tries to play the matchmaker for your love story 

Gemini boys are never dull to be around. They have an innate power of communication. They love to tease you to stir up your emotions and be an ideal mischief-maker. But they take charge when it comes to declaring their own love and talk straightforwardly. 

When a Gemini friend of yours smells something unusual between you and any of his other friends, he becomes curious and over-excited to initiate a new engagement.

In a nutshell, he loves to play the Cupid in a story between two common friends. He takes it as an adventure and derives pleasure in seeing you together. He desperately wants things to culminate into a romantic relationship between you and a guy from his familiar circle. 

Not only that, if he can ever sense you are speaking a lot about a particular guy, he may be more interested than you about his whereabouts. He takes it as a mission to accomplish so that you both can be together as soulmates. 

If he does all these and gets full of beans to see you in a relationship with another guy, take it as an indication that he prefers to stay as a friend who acts as a mediator between lovers, rather than himself being the lover

If he had a feeling of romance toward you, he wouldn't have let anyone come in the way, let alone playing the matchmaker. A Gemini guy never parts with his passionate sentiments about their partners and professes love instantly when he apprehends a third wheel may intrude in the picture. 

#5 He avoids being physically close to you

This is typically the trait of a Gemini guy to feel the need for physical proximity. He looks for excuses to run into his loved ones. The physical urges of the Gemini boys are too vigorous and forceful to ignore.

This is true that Geminians are meant to be extremely desirous of physical intimacy with their beloved and that could be a determining factor about his actual feelings for you. Judge him using your senses open when he stays around you.

If he indeed wants a friendship, he won't be making moves to get physically close to you. Rather he would be conscious of the physical space to draw his line when you are there in his surroundings. It is a potential demonstration of showing you that he wants to stay in the friend zone.

Just think of a place, for example, where he is just beside you. If sitting next to you means sharing an almost intimate space with you, he would choose to move away to a place where he can avoid the closeness and stay at a safe distance.

Let me draw a table and show you in fragments for a clearer insight. 

He is sitting next to youHe is sitting across from you
Initiates playful touchesSets an invisible boundary of physical distance
Touches arm while having a conversationSubtly shifts his body to avoid physical contact

#6 He never tries to flirt with you 

Gemini men are extremely sharp and intelligent about things and people. They can predict and foresee what can be possible consequences of flirting. Usually, they are sociable and a master craftsman with words. So they know how to separate a friendship and a romantic interest by avoiding being flirtatious with a friend.

A witty Gemini guy can be seen having wordplay with friends that are frequently mistaken as acts of flirting. This is a source of sheer joy and amusement for them to go fooling around with friends but never do they mean to flirt at all by doing any of them.

Communication is a strong suit of Geminis. They are born to communicate and engage in conversations. But guess what! They are choosy and picky about romantic partners. If they find no intellectual connection, they would hardly attempt to go into a romantic engagement with you. In that case, he would stay away from making remarks that could send mixed signals or mislead you.

If he ever senses anything from your end, he may turn into a guy with limited interaction going against his usual self as he knows his over-expressive nature can be misinterpreted as a romantic inclination. 

Gemini guys are known to be straightforward. They do not wait much to reveal their feelings in roundabout ways. So if they ever fall in love with you, they would say it directly rather than using a coquettish bunch of gestures.

People with this zodiac sign keep bantering around with their quick-wittedness. But there is a subtle difference between a romantic banter and a friendly teasing. They focus on the preferences of those whom they are romantically interested in and try to tickle their senses by being charming, witty, and flirtatious. But with a friend, he will be himself with a frivolous tone of humor and carefreeness.

#7 He meets you at group hangouts

Geminians are extroverted people. What their nature suggests is that they enjoy being with friends and jumping into a social buzz. They need to exert their stupendous energy by being involved in group activities and hanging around with their friend circles.

What should be your aim is to identify his special attention on planning for a private time. If he is happy with his habit of meeting you in groups and not in private, it is a clear signal stating that you are just another friend in his close circle. 

As their characters are often confusing, you may think he doesn't like private moments. But let me tell you, the rule is an exception in itself when it comes to seeing his beloved. A lover Gemini will be born out of the ashes of a friend Gemini, when he starts dating his lady. He will be up to something private and personal in terms of romantic sharing and try to grab the opportunity to meet her alone.

If there is no such eagerness in him to plan a private meetup with you and he always visits you with his other friends, it is surely pointing out to the fact that you are one of those friends whom he often has a blast with.

You can pick up any incident from your experience. For instance, your birthday celebration is a much-awaited day for you to get a chance or rather hope for a chance to meet him privately and have some hearty conversation. But at the last minute, you see everybody joining in to give you a surprise, and he happens to be the man behind arranging the gathering. 

If he wanted to pursue a romantic relationship with you, he would have saved a few hours to take you out with him and spend some cozy hours together in a secluded place on a special day.

#8 He mentions other women

A guy having Gemini as his sun sign is a stand-out among the others because of his talkative and colorful traits of character. He has an infectious positivity that spreads through everyone around him. Probably this is why you couldn't help feeling enamored by his evergreen boyish nature. 

But at the same time, he is an absolute puzzle to you. You are struggling to reach him and know whether he likes you or wants to have you as a friend. What do you think can help you find the answer? Follow the unwritten rules of signs to get there.

Does he talk about other women and how each of them arouses interest in them? Does he look extra careful about mentioning any of them? And does he reach out to you every time to share his fantasy about the other girls?

If it's a yes, then chances are high that he wants to confide these secrets to you as a friend and not as someone he takes a special interest in. Maybe he trusts you as a dependable friend who he believes can listen to his stories and possibly help him with valuable tips. 

This, however, can also be a manipulative means to assess your feelings toward him by infusing jealousy in you. If you notice him mentioning his female friends pretty often with a tone of dramatization particularly in your presence, it could mean that he wants to take it further to something romantic.

Don't forget the mischievous part of a Gemini fellow. As I said before, he loves to play fun games with his friends. It could also be a sign that he enjoys the way you react when he brings other women to a conversation. That would mean that he is silently gauging your interest and trying to stir your senses.

#9 You are like his buddy 

Gemini boys are at the height of their spirits when they see a matching level of wavelength with any of their friends. Mercury is their guardian planet and so he is an expert tongue making quips and puns all the time. Once he starts sharing incredible humor and smart wit with you, he becomes a next-door boy who gets most comfortable with you like a brother.

If he shares a comfort zone with you and treats you like his buddy, it means he has grown a feeling of bromance with you. This is a gender-neutral part of friendship that he stays cool with and of course, is far beyond the idea of romance.

The Gemini guy, most often termed the social butterfly, wants a close friendship from you if he gets a 'bro' vibe from you and wants it to continue forever. It is a sign that he cherishes the camaraderie between the two of you and wishes to keep it platonic.

Treating a female friend like a brother is obvious evidence of the kind of friendship he wants from you. This is more common in a male fraternity who have common taste, interests, and fun activities. There is no romantic pursuit in your relationship if he has a similar sense of rapport that he shares with his male friends. 

It is likely that the Gemini guy treating you as his buddy is ignoring your feminine features and is in perfect sync with your 'brotherly' energy. Instead of passion or romance, he is more comfortable with the feeling of kinship with you.

Why Gemini men choose friendship over a romantic relationship?

Gemini men are versatile and love to play multiple roles at the same time. In a way, it sometimes makes them inconsistent and look like an unsolvable riddle even to their friends. As the dynamism suggests, they can never be stuck to a single person for a long time as they crave changing patterns.

This sun sign, most of the time, chooses friendship over a romantic relationship. The reasons are stated below. Let's find out.

#1 They do not want to commit easily

Commitment is a heavy word for Gemini guys. They love to roam with freedom. That is why friends are their go-to people with whom they feel most alive. They love to open up with their true self. And friends to them are the most homely ones to feel relaxed and fun with.

They fear a romantic attachment may be highly demanding which can curb their freedom and their identity as jovial beings. The possibility of being caged in the boundary of a relationship turns off their willingness to surrender to it. But they prefer friendship since it never depends on the time and constant efforts he should be ready to put into a romantic relationship.

One remarkable trait of their character is their apathy to anything dull. They get bored by something regular. And they become restless and shift their attention to something more interesting. Since a serious relationship requires stability and regularity they cannot associate themselves to its essence of lifelessness.

They feel much more into the harmony of friendship. Friends do not ask for attention or priorities. They do not enter your private space and interfere with your independent streak. That is why they have nothing to feel burdened about friendship. But they may hesitate to enter into a romantic commitment for fear of being restricted.

#2 They love diversity

Variety is a natural attribute of Gemini fellows. As I have mentioned before, they do not like dullness. They want excitement, color, and newness every moment. 

Relationships are simple with complex equations. They follow a routine of showing care, affection, and commitment at almost the same pace. The self-aware and sharp Geminis do not want something that might take away the variety and ask them to be a slave to a bland rhythm.

But they love their friends. Dominated by Mercury which induces a great sense of adaptability and communication, they search for diversity which they find with their friends in abundance. Friendship doesn't confine them to a single individual, and they can be open to interact with tons of friends, share numerous ideas and thoughts, and explore newer shades of characters.

Geminis are natural entertainers. They will make you laugh until it brings tears to your eyes. They get a buzz out of entertaining others as much as getting entertained themselves. They prioritize friendship over every relationship since it offers them a wide range of personas to regale and play humor on. 

Sharing a relationship with a specific woman might take him down to a life of fewer activities and more responsibilities. This realization urges them to make the most of their singlehood with friends and buddies.

#3 They prefer flexibility

Gemini is a sign of exuberance. People with this zodiac sign never get tired of enjoying life. They are active thinkers about how to be strategic and win a game of emotions. They turn away from people as soon as they find them with static personalities and inflexibility. 

Naturally, when they reflect on the consequences of going around with someone, they try to consider the compatibility in terms of their high spirits and flamboyance. They know it is difficult for a partner to follow and adjust to their inconsistency. So they might engage in casual flirts but do not want things to get more serious than that.

Gemini boys choose careers that can engage their vivacity at the best. They like to travel a lot and their job hours are not flexible. Yet they don't mind because the double zodiac sign makes them adjustable to this ever-changing form of things. But as their better halves, girls may not fit into their erratic nature and misunderstand them. Hence they feel safer being men with no girlfriends. 

Friends on the other hand can be fulfilling life forces and company to treasure. They are more flexible in their priorities and indecisive character. Less do they complain of the conflicting duality of Gemini guys and accept them as they are.

#4 They are less emotional as partners

If you know a Gemini guy you can figure out his liveliness and humorous nature. But their emotional status is always a mystery. They wish to move along the surface and not take a deeper dip into anything. That is the reason they fear anything that creates expectation and soppiness.

Friendship has a spirit of easiness. Gemini men prioritize it as they know friendship would never necessitate oversentimentality and excessive emotional attachment. But romantic engagements need people to be emotionally invested in them, which is not their thing. 

Friends are there to stimulate positivity in us and that's what Geminians feel at home with. They feel like staying yards away from anything that may look dramatic and overtly mawkish and happily decide to stay friends with people as an alternative to getting into a courtship with them.

How to turn a Gemini man into more than a friend?

Gemini men are those figures you find playing with your ideas with their ambivalent characters and relish the fun out of it. They are uncatchable. The more you try, the more you get bewildered at their vitality. To date a Gemini man you got to get the nerve and verve. 

Can't make up your mind? What about trying this blog to get sorted? Use these following tricks to get him under your romantic wing if he still treats you as a friend. 

Hear out the words of hope.

#1 Understand him and his unpredictability 

A life-long commitment starts with the basic step of knowing each other. If you are a friend, this is the best way to stay near him and grow a strong emotional connection by understanding his individuality.

Gemini men wear a facade that may not grant you access to their deeper selves. They are a child and a grown-up all in one man. Get to know the child first to know the grown-up with more conviction. Understand his hobbies, his interests, and what appeals to him. Show interest in things that he enjoys most and loves to talk about.

As their sun signs will tell you, they are not predictable. Don't try to predict him whatsoever. Be equally adaptable to the frequent changes in his moods and plans. Strike balance and settle into his inflexibilities.

Have conversations with him about the ideas that showcase your intellectual compatibility with him and listen to his floods of words that might sound shallow and nonsensical.  Your enthusiasm might strike the best notes and he may start to grow a soft spot for the person you are.

#2 Allow him the space he needs

Gemini men who are outgoing are mostly suckers for privacy and space. They never compromise their freedom for anybody or anything. Unfortunately, people who are close to them have to accommodate themselves with their patterns. 

To win him over, the first thing to remember is to avoid invading his personal space. Allow him to be what he pleases. Don't be an overprotective and clingy person whom he considers to be intrusive. Never try to stop him from exploring his interests or being adventurous. 

Geminis are great thinkers and have intelligent eyes to trace the odd one out. If he catches the weird beauty in you to have the rebellious guts among the stereotypes, he will be big into you. He will yield to the affirmation that you too respect the space of everyone around, and enjoy feeling safe with you.

#3 Add to his fun

Geminis are the center of attention everywhere. Probably you too enjoy his element of humor and can't keep your eyes dry at his presence. Join him in his witty repartee to get him hooked on your spunk.

This could be a dose of vigor in his sense of fun and bantering zeal. Be his ideal companion who can fuel up the fire in him. Have hours of sharing joy, fun and raillery together.

Geminis are fun-loving guys. So keep on spicing up the fun every time you are communicating with him. Chalk out plans for adventurous expeditions or trips that sound thrilling and exceptional. Think out of the box to light up the oomph in his wilderness because you never know when the magic happens.

#4 Stay patient with him

Patience is what can calm the storm that your Gemini boy carries with him. Once you get into the shoes of a Gemini guy, he will turn out to be more than a friend in no time. 

He has an ambiguity of character that will put you off balance, but staying patient will be as rewarding as hell. He takes time to define their feelings and opinions, and for a while may feel uncertain about his choice. But the way you let him be himself will contribute to his self-discovery.

His occasional shifts may puzzle you and challenge your patience. But try to be mindful of the bright sides and extraordinary qualities to ignore them. Trust me, having patience with him will prove to be the best decision for the rest of your life. 

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