When a Pisces Man Hugs You: Here's What It Could Mean

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Hugs are a beautiful experience. It's a human touch that gives a sense of relief and comfort to the people who give and receive hugs. This physical expression of love and positivity adds to the psychological upliftment of a person who needs it.
A hug processes a chemical reaction in us by releasing oxytocin and serotonin that leave us with a revived energy and a renewed perspective toward life. That is why it is thought that only a caring hug can let your pain pass and calm your frayed nerves with its magic touch.
Now, being hugged by your favorite man can be the best feeling one might ever long for. For a moment, you are blessed with the coziness of the arms that are strong enough to protect you from the worries of the world.
And how is it to be locked in the web of unspoken emotions of the person you die for?
You can turn to the zodiac signs that can guide you with their expertise to illustrate human characters and their attributed traits.
If the man in question happens to be a Pisces, let me help you with his emotional domain along with the characteristic signs associated with his astrological position.
You will get to know his hugging acts with less vagueness and more clarity once you are done with this article that is exclusively laid out for people like you who need a special hand of aid.
Let me draw the mindscape of a Pisces man
Pisces is the twelfth and last sign of the zodiac planet. They are much like the other water signs in their fluid nature and sentimentality.
A typical Pisces man is easygoing with his circle and deeply emotional toward others whom he considers to be his go-to people. You can see him highly affected by others’ plight and take extra trouble and effort to get them out of it.
One of the most sensitive signs of the zodiac, a Pisces man is characterized by his exceptional intuition and empathetic bent of mind. He takes things by heart rather than by head.
He is known as an idealist who loves to indulge in daydreaming for hours and pursuing religious and spiritual activities. Led by Neptune, a planet of art and creativity, Pisces men are amazing artists who are born with a creative spunk.
Needless to say, they make extraordinary friends and remarkable partners who never hesitate to move mountains for you. During the odd hours, you will unmistakably find him beside you to take all your anxiety on himself.
Their credulous nature often gets in their way and proves counterproductive. Nevertheless, this mutable sign won't refuse to stay loyal even if he has to suffer a lot.
Getting a hug from a Pisces man, therefore, may lead you to the lane of ambivalence.
You might be battled by your inner voice asking
‘Is he taking a special interest in me?’, ‘How should I react?’ Or, ‘Does he feel bad to see me feeling blue?’, ‘Is it something he did only for me?’
If that's what you are bothered with, I would suggest not to get too overwhelmed. Find a few minutes for yourself and read this blog spot for your hopes to take root.
And you will reach the finish line by exploring ideas on:
- What could be the secret meanings of the hug
- Other ways to look for whether he is crushing on you
- How to hug him back
Time to roll up our sleeves, shall we?
What could be the secret meanings of the hug
A hug can exude countless shots of sentiments. It is a swoon-worthy physical act that can convey varied emotions based on the context, the nature of the hugger, and the circumstances in which it occurred.
When it is a Pisces man, it should be advised to count on his zodiac sign, his innate qualities, and their alignment with the particular act of hugging.
You may not be proficient in reading people's acts.
What about getting the expert help and looking beyond the obvious?
#1 He wants to offer help
As his nature suggests, a Pisces man has a giving and benevolent personality. Seeing you in trouble, he may drop everything and rush to you to offer his warm embrace and hold the heavy weight of your tears.
The soft-hearted Pisces rediates empathy at every step. You are caught up in a swirl of storms and know he is just a call away. As soon as he hears you sobbing, he is all down with sorrow and makes his way to you.
His soft, reassuring hug might be the best cure for your wounds at a time when he knows he can hardly speak out about his concern for you.
That's what he might mean to let you know that he cares for you and is ready to go out of his way to cheer you up. His gentle hug may be the sunshine in the wake of dark patches of cloud predicting a tempest.
Take an example by imagining yourself in a crisis situation. You know your Pisces guy would hurry back to you on sensing that you need him. He will say words of motivation, take you close, and put his arms around you to stop you from fretting for a moment.
You will find that it is indeed that long, peaceful hug from him that could heal your scars. His sensitive soul would tap into your emotions and whisper:
“Don't worry, dear, everything will be fine. And I'm always there to stand against the entire universe for you if only that can make you feel better.”
Remember that a Pisces man’s hug can never be devoid of kindness and compassion. He takes an extra slice of joy in making himself useful to those who are lonely and deserted.
If he hugs you even without saying anything comforting, it could mean that he is here to take your weight down.
#2 He is seeking comfort in a sensitive moment
Men born under the sign of Pisces are tender-hearted. They, too, need someone to provide emotional support in their vulnerable states.
Their oversentimentality, sometimes, makes them taciturn and unforthcoming in revealing much about their flimsiness, and they take the help of physical gestures like a hug to express themselves.
Let me show you an example.
Suppose he has been into a challenging phase of life for a long time and has bottled up deep emotions within himself that he has tried hard to keep beyond your reach.
But finally, in the face of stimulation, he had an outburst and couldn't refrain from flinging into your loving arms as an antidote to his depression. This is nothing but an indication of asking for a comfortable space in you.
Pisceans are said to be expectant of the same behavior from their dearest ones as they themselves might have rendered at a sensitive moment. So, he would definitely hope that you would treat him with an equal note of support and consolation at their emotional breakdowns.
A Pisces man can not always wear his heart on his sleeves. Instead, he waits for others to perceive his internal monologue on the brink of collapse. True to his instinct, he wants to find the greatest solace in melting in a moment of shared closeness.
#3 He needs an emotional revival through it
Everybody has their hours of susceptibility when they are exposed to being hurt and helpless to react. Some of us fear this exposure and need an excuse to run away from the difficulties.
Pisces men, who are best known for their delicate selves, struggle to cope with the stumbling blocks most of the time and choose their friends to withdraw themselves from reality with the purpose of self-reflection and recovery.
Perhaps he wants to nestle into your arms of comfort and protectiveness for the time being as a sign of his safe space.
Wait for me to elaborate.
As mentioned in the earlier sections, Pisces fellows are not very open to everyone about their own emotions.
So, in a stressful period, when he can hardly balance and deal with things equanimously, he looks for a human company to come close to, hide for a moment, and idealize the world to be a happy place. He hugs them tight to reconvene his lost spirit, gather himself, and bounce back.
The hug for them is a dose of momentum required to hit the real world with poise and unmatched confidence.
#4 It is a romantic hint
Pisces men are lovers in disguise. They know how to turn you on with their subtle hints of romance. These creative guys might give you a sensuous hug as their profound language of love.
It won't be an overstatement to say that Pisces is a sign that is marked by raging passion and aesthetic sensibility. This creative genius will sweep you off your feet once he gets romantic and is on the verge of initiating an intimate memory with you.
He will cover your tiny soul with his wholesome hug to communicate his inner turbulence and stroke you with gentle touches. He can be all buzzed with a deep-seated desire to snuggle close and won't let go of the moment until you break away.
It can be a clear hint that he has been emotionally and romantically dependent on you. He may not be vocally expressive about his intentions, but a fleeting temptation might have outplayed him and broken his restraint.
He fell prey to the urge for reaching out to you and hugged you as a display of his hidden feelings.
#5 It can be a way to resolve a disagreement
Have you had a fight with your Piscean friend? Chances are high, he is trying to figure out how to sort things out in an artistic way.
Yes, believe it or not, he can be tracing down one of the innovative means to disarm you.
Pisces men are imaginative guys. They can intrigue your senses with the most unexpected innovation and leave you amazed.
This is a possibility that after an awkward silence when both of you find it hard to come up and take the first step to ask for apologies, your Pisces guy had an idea stuck at midnight.
He came before you and, without saying a word, hugged you in a lingering manner so that you couldn't help relenting to his unspoken plea.
As psychologists claim, hugs release the feel-good hormones that can reduce the tension between people and take them to a point of reconciliation.
Maybe it was an act of impulse that induced a desperation in him to hug you and say sorry. It's a silent communication with words of regret like,
“Let's not stretch it anymore, baby. Forget and forgive. I'm dying to take you in my arms.”
#6 He is grateful and wants to convey it
Do you remember doing a favor to the Pisces man of yours? He is likely to feel grateful to you and wants to say a thank you with a heartfelt armhold.
Pisces men are moved by generosity. They take it in an affectionate light to be helped by a known friend or a close one. The icing on the cake is that they look for opportunities to return the favor or express their gratitude in a meaningful way.
If you have recently shown your support in one of his brave ventures, spoken for him in a swarm of dissenting oppositions, or assisted him with whatever was required to complete his project, he will be immensely thankful for your gesture of unwavering loyalty and hugged you with a promise to give it back to you whenever you need it.
Piscean, being an unshakable epitome of loyalty, can do anything and everything for a faithful friend who stood as a sturdy oak tree in a troubled time.
Any act of compassion can never go amiss with him, and he would arrive at your door without fail to express his sense of obligation and appreciation and hug you in no time to shower his warm recognition.
Other ways to look for whether he is crushing on you
If a single act of hugging by the Pisces man is not enough to dispel the mass of confusion, you can pick up on the other non-verbal cues to know the truth latent beneath his actions.
Let's get to know them.
#1 Follow his secret glances
Pisces is a sun sign that reflects shyness of character. Yet, a Pisces man who is more into making a pass at you can't hide his true interest for long. He will end up throwing you secret glances when you are talking to others.
Put yourself in a scenario where you both share a common group setting. He will unknowingly stare at you, captivated by your magnetic presence, and won't be able to stop himself from repeating the same for innumerable times.
Hoping you won't notice, he might look at you from the corner of his eyes. The moment your eyes meet, you may find him getting nervous and looking away to act indifferent.
His stolen glances are obvious marks of his romantic interest that he must be trying to camouflage through a veil of pretense. Every time you catch him staring at you, you will feel his sneak peek to be soft, enduring, and placid, which would demonstrate the uncorrupted and vivid emotions preserved for you.
For a fraction of a second, you might mark his eyes as the reservoir of deep and abiding love.
And next time when he draws you close to envelope you with a dainty hug, lock your eyes into his to witness the blushing red romance across his face.
#2 He becomes caring and supportive
The signature feature of a Pisces man is his air of breeziness and support for his own people. He would make himself available for you at any state if you have taken a place in his heart. Not only that, he would prioritize your needs and necessities over his own interests.
Crossing walls for his loved ones is an inherent quality of a sensitive Pisces guy. He would never mind kindling your joys and laughter by always being there for you.
He will encourage you in the lowest and oddest hour with words of hope and optimism and bring you comfort with his friendly presence. Moreover, he will look after your morbid soul with utmost care and gentle treatment.
Mark his actions as the potential cues of a special feeling if
- He gives you company in times of loneliness and isolation.
- He never says no to your call at the most inconvenient hours
- He runs errands for you when you are sick and need a helping hand
- He shares advice that is life-changing.
- He indulges you with chocolates, flowers, or cupcakes when you have a bad day.
- He comes running to you, cooks, and gives you a relaxing massage on a tiring day to reduce your stress.
- He is always up for taking care of your physical and mental health.
- He walks with you on a lonely road to say, ‘You are not alone’.
- He listens to you when you want to unwind without making a judgment.
#3 He is a man with gestures
Whether the Pisces guy feels head over heels with you will be known through his true pulse of intensity. He is a man made for searching depth and showcasing the same with subtleties.
He holds an ocean of unfathomable emotions for his beloved. Being born under the sign of Pisces, he knows how to strike the deepest chord of his lady. The dreamer Pisces, hence, treats his girl like a princess with shining armor.
And so, his gestures are never shallow and superficial. He goes beyond the ordinary and stands with a pompous display of affection that would blow her away with its radiance.
He never misses a chance to impress her with the romantic poet dwelling in him.
Get to know the romantic Pisces through his actions like
- Taking you on a surprise escapade to a dark, mysterious woods and staying awake for the night counting the stars with you.
- Writing a lovely note of love, pouring his heart on the blank paper.
- Giving you sweet tokens of love nuanced with the secret flame of romance on your birthday instead of throwing a huge dazzling party.
- Remembering your favorite color and buying you a pretty dress with that color.
- Sharing thoughtful gifts like scrapbooks, personalized albums, and photo cards that would remind you of him and the time you had together.
- Arranging a candlelit dinner in a quaint restaurant, probably by the side of a waterfall or somewhere in a secluded place that might remove all the negativity from your life.
- Sitting next to you with a lingering silence that will pound with a thousand unsaid words and letting you cherish the blissful quiet.
#4 He welcomes you to his creative world
As we know, Neptune is the ruling planet of Pisces, it is led by a creative streak and a natural knack for art. Therefore, it is no wonder to find him to be a connoisseur of arts and aesthetic works.
His artistic supremacy is something that he feels very possessive and proud of. The master artist basks in his own glory of creativity. His world is not meant for every random girl, and he well maintains this privacy.
But from the time he grows fond of a person, he unlocks the door and welcomes her to his own galaxy of wonder. He shares the most precious part of his life with the lady and offers an exclusive glimpse into his innermost self.
So, what can be the unique ways to unveil his box of magic?
- He may plan a visit to his favorite art gallery or museum to take you there and introduce you to the strange new planet of beauty.
- He will talk about the mystic realm of color, textures, and artistic appeal with you and help you see beyond the ordinary with his third eye.
- He can show you around the colored veins of your own city through the mural art on the wall.
- He might capture your telling portraits that you may be surprised to see.
- He may want you to join him in his new specimens of artwork or ask your suggestion to improvise it.
#5 He finds excuses to communicate
It is often quite a task for a Pisces man to remain direct in professing his love for you. So, he tries ways that will be suggestive and more evocative to hint you at his powerhouse of emotions kept in secret.
Look up his eagerness to communicate with you through textual means, video calls, or voice calls. He would initiate a chat on his own by sending greetings and take it further by mentioning things belonging to myriad subjects.
Watch for the way he strikes up topics that are directly or indirectly related to your personal lives. He will act casual by asking you about your hobbies, your best actor, your favorite travel destination, your secret passion, and your most treasured memories.
Or he might get into more private stuff, like your family members, your heartbreaking past, your preferences for an ideal partner, and even your current flexibility for starting up a fresh commitment.
Hold it for a moment and notice how he tries to tease out your relationship status to see your availability to your pursuers like him.
Pisces man who takes a fancy on you will be all heart in finding excuses to meet you. If he is too shy to ask you out for a lunch date, he may be invariably present at all social gatherings to see you and stick around you for as long as he can.
#6 He acts most sensitive around you
As astrology will dictate you, male Pisces are characterized by their thin-skinned nature. They have a fragile heart that gets hit and hurt by people very easily, especially when they are the ones they consider their loved ones.
It is one of the visible signs of his fantasy about you if he acts with a breakable soul around you.
Here are a few examples to lead you to the truth.
Scenario one: Suppose you are having fun with friends in a public setting. During the light-hearted conversations, one of the friends makes humorous pleasantries to him and makes a teasing remark.
You can immediately notice the change of expression from joviality to sombreness. He might initially try hard to hide his discomfort and sound amused. But a few while later, he may curl up into himself and try to take a leave. What will be most striking is that he will fail to meet your eyes and walk away from the place in embarrassment.
Scenario two: Imagine yourself having a casual discussion with him, and just for the sake of fun, you pranked him with a practical joke, and he was made a fool out of himself. Look at the way he reacts afterward. If it is a withdrawal or dissociation from you, it's possible that he felt offended to be treated like a dumb in front of you, which in turn proves that he is over-sensitive to your presence and can't take the jokes in a good spirit.
#7 His body language speaks for his mind
Pisces men in love have a different body language that may disclose much about the lot taking place in his heart about you. His open body is indicative of his desire to invite you for communication.
Added to that, he might accidentally bump into you and brush his body with yours in order to exchange physical warmth.
His efforts to come into your private space will be frequent and conspicuous. You will see him patting you on your back, shaking your hands, or giving you prolonged hugs whenever you meet him as an expression of feeling good with you.
Pisces males do not usually encourage physical intimacy with women whom they are hardly interested in. So, if he volunteers into your personal zone and stays fine with exchanging physical gestures, that's a major sign of his growing fantasy about you and his desperation to cherish the sensual pleasure.
How to return his gesture
If you are blown away by your Pisces guy who hugs you and melts your soul in his embracing arms, let's not make him come back empty-handed. Fill him with memories that resonate with your affectionate acts and deliberation to reciprocate.
Light the fire by taking a few baby steps.
#1 Be playful in your approach
This time, you have to be playful in reverting his geniality and show him you are enjoying being his buddy.
He has been with you at every twist and turn with his unbending support, and you want to acknowledge his emotions to the best of your abilities. So, be mindful of his soft spots and tickle his senses by showing your fun side.
Do it this way:
- Intrigue him with your light touches while interacting with the Pisces man, or gently hold his hands in the course of a discussion to show that you are comfortable sharing your personal space with him.
- Show your secret shenanigans and have a funny dance stance with him to laugh your gut out.
- Goof around with him in your lazy hours with silly activities like singing aloud together, reeling off jokes to him.
- Make quick eye contact and slightly lower your gaze to recognize his efforts to grab attention.
#2 Hug him back
If you ask me to suggest an instant reaction to his hug, I would ask you to hug him back right there, but with your unique fashion. Take your time to spread your arms around him, put your chin on his shoulder, and hold him with a tighter squeeze.
This time, it will be a moment of reassurance and recognition. So, claim this hour by sprinkling a touch of memory and safety.
- Make it more intense by holding him for a longer time
- Add some spice of romance by having a deep conversation after you pull away.
- Follow the way he hugged you. If it was a lighter one, give him a one-sided hug. But if that was a lingering one, come up with a bear hug to return his act.
- Create a romantic ambiance to show that you have liked the way he cared.
#3 Show your interest with verbal and non-verbal cues
If you are not a Pisces lady, make the most of your directness by telling him out loud that you care for him and have a romantic interest in him. You can try saying,
‘ I love your company so much. Your presence makes me shine like a bright sunflower. I think I'm falling in love with you.’
‘I feel so relieved to be held by you. Thank you for all the support. I am truly fortunate to have you around me. Don't you ever leave me, dear, my world will fall apart.’
But if it's an initial phase of liking his warm and gentle nature, use some nuanced cues to articulate your feelings, like
- Share your deepest secrets with him and let him know that you trust him.
- Be vulnerable with him. Pisces men love to feel treated as dependable companions.
- It becomes most rewarding for the Pisces men to see you appreciate their token of affection. So try to hold his actions with high regard by expressing so through an emotional letter or a small and treasured keepsake.
- Wear a big smile or a glint of shyness in your eyes to manifest that you have enjoyed the hug.
Below are the tips on how to react to a Pisces man hugging you:
- Take care of his sensitive mind by making him comfortable and allowing him to process his emotions during the hug. If you try to cut in abruptly, it may hurt him like hell, and he may keep a conscious distance from you.
- Return his act with a hug that will help you connect yourself with him.
- Offer a sense of security by stroking his hair or light gestures of caressing when he hugs you.
- Create a safe space by staying in line with his emotions and expressing thankfulness for his time and selfless availability for you.
- Be present at the moment and avoid any distraction that comes in the way of this special moment. Persuade him that you make him the priority and pamper his affectionate self by giving him your unreserved attention.