When a Guy Says He Wants to See You Soon: Decoding Intentions

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Men are the most elusive characters to come upon. Their thoughts are a net of mystery and their words are messages in disguise. If you are to take a dive into them and decode the emotions, stay with us.
You have met a guy, shared a few talks with him, and struck up a friendship. You reach home and a text pops up on your mobile screen telling, "I want to see you soon." Confused? Excited? Relax your nerves, lovely lady. Hang in there. We have come up with the inside story.
This article is a roller coaster of secrets that would unravel the truth behind this honest confession.
Let's hit the bull's eye.
What does it mean when a guy says he wants to see you soon?
You are in a 'friend-zone' with a guy. You spend hours talking on the phone or having endless chats. Things were going straight until the moment he tells you he wants to see you soon. These simple words have left you reeling. You are in two minds on what to do next. Buckle up, as we are ready to portray the real picture for you.
Here are the potential interpretations.
#1 He is interested in you
Seeing is connecting. He wants to see you since he wants to connect with you. His voice and his messages are an open statement of his growing interest in you. He is more than eager to stay plugged in with your life, your personal details, your ifs and buts, and whatnot.
You can't help feeling the note of desperation acting behind them. It may not concern only the sight of you that he is asking for, but the precious period of shared laughter and divided joy with you. He is curious to see you in your real self - laughing, talking, and being an absolute goofball.
Note that he is all set to devote his time to you instead of any other activities he could have chosen. It states that you are his choice. The excitement of spending quality time with you gets the better of him and he gives in.
A guy expressing his willingness to meet you is someone who might be in for a long-term relationship. Hence, he is looking for the times when he gets to know you better, grab your attention, and be a part of your world.
#2 He is missing you
How delightful it is to be missed by a special person. When somebody wants to see you, this acknowledges his wistful yearning to be with you. Yes, he misses you too badly to hide his desire like an expert. He says this to you bluntly and without a shred of shyness. He recalls everything related to you and yearns to go back to those times to live them again.
There is nothing more wholesome than feeling loved and missed by the one you have known closely. Missing you has created an aching void in him that he cannot deal with. He flips through the pages of calendar for the next appointed date of meeting you.
Your absence has sparked a bubbling urge in him to remember you in umpteen ways. He runs through the gallery to see your photos, he goes daydreaming about you, and he looks back at the joyful little things he has enjoyed with you. In a moment's spur, he grabs the phone and reaches out to express his longing by saying,
"Hello there, the last time we met was great. So, can we go for a coffee date tomorrow? Or maybe a dine-out if you please? Hope you won't say no. I want to see you real soon."
#3 He wants to take the relationship forward
Wishing to see you soon has a serious interpretation when he could mean that he wills to take it on a more personal level. Take the cue if he is ready to commit. It is his unmistakable keenness to move the needle further and reflect on the bigger future.
You have remained friends for years and at long last he is making the move to give it an official shape. He is asking to see you soon to probably discuss a future with you, where you both would be playing the most essential roles.
After a prolonged retrospection perhaps he has come to a point where he has more to explore and want from this relationship. Maybe he has made up his mind to take the initiative and approach you with a proposal to get hitched. And finally, he has summoned the courage to visualize a future where you both would be the most significant parts of each other's life as partners.
#4 He is testing the water
Telling you that he wants to see you soon may be an intelligent ploy to assess the sincerity of your interest. He is a guy who loves to play safe and so, before taking the final leap of commitment he wants to test the water. It's a rule of thumb that he lives by to come out unhurt.
With the possibility of things not being played out as he thought, he could be cautious and wise not to make the wrong choice. So by seeing you, he is more desirous to gauge the level of compatibility.
If he is not sure about the emotions you must have developed for him, he is likely to use this statement to get your reactions. His further involvement will be decided by the way you react or express your attachment. If your responses are passive, he might back out from his romantic intention and slow it down without divulging much of his fantasies.
#5 He feels lonely
A lonely mind seeks company. It is a common human behavior that might well go with a guy who wants to see you. He, who is isolated from others, must be handling the tough challenges of things on his own and needs to declutter the heaviness immediately. You could be a trusted figure to him to lessen his desolation, which is why he expresses an urgency to see you.
Don't turn him down when he asks for your closeness in such an hour of loneliness. You could see the bright sides of this single message by dwelling on its deeper implications. People turn to those who are close and provide relief and comfort. So, you may be one of them who he could share his loneliness with and lighten himself. He might see you as a person he can count on and receive reassurance and motivation from.
Being with you may provide him with a momentary distraction and he could feel better. Think a while and you might see through his words that he is actually craving for the positive vibe associated with you.
#6 He had a good time with you
You know your previous encounter with a guy was thoroughly great. You both go along pretty well at the very first meeting. Now he takes the first move and asks you to see him again. Your heart jumps up and you are holding your breath for what may be coming your way. It is likely that both of you are traveling on the same boat. He too is trying to explore more of the relationship.
When a guy had a good time with you, he might be looking forward to having more such experiences where the two of you could repeat the fun and the instant connection.
Having enjoyed the company of each other means he has found you compatible and dependable. It is rare, and when it comes he doesn't want to lose it. These precious moments have prompted an unknown prospect of intimacy and emotional ease that he finds enjoyable. And he looks for more similar opportunities to recreate the good times.
#7 He can't keep patience
In the initial days of a relationship, people tend to be more impulsive than realistic. They cannot hold back their eagerness to see the other one as soon as possible. If a fellow is excited to see you right after a few days of your last meeting, there must be his impulses spinning the ball. He can't wait anymore to get a glimpse of you and ends up speaking his heart out to you.
Again, guys are apprehensive about losing connection in the budding period of an emotional affinity. So this is when he communicates his willingness to see you in a forthright manner. Probably he wants to make sure the flame of magic doesn't flicker away. To make it shine as brightly as a sunny morning he rushes into seeing you.
Lack of patience, or insecurity sometimes are the traits of characters one might be attributed with. Led by this natural instinct one might express his eagerness to see you. It won't be surprising if he ever fears that you could possibly lose interest in him if he doesn't catch up with you soon. With this in mind, he insists on meeting you in a short time.
#8 You understand him the way nobody else does
To be understood is a true blessing one might ask for from his loved ones. If he realizes that you understand him in a way nobody does, he would certainly look up to you as the right one to interact with. It will evoke a strong feeling of intellectual connection and support. The more he feels in line with you, the more he feels accepted and the more eager he becomes to see you.
He will probably know that he will be heard without being judged and would freely share his ideas, thoughts, and his visions with a willingness to surrender.
When he experiences positivity and empathy from you he would want many more occasions to see you and have an insightful conversation that he hardly finds anyone to share with. Maybe he has found you as the one to offload his bottled-up emotions. All this brings him to feel safe and uplifted with you.
#9 He wants to make memories
Memories are a significant part of life. We love to get surrounded by people with whom we could create threads of lasting memories. We are prone to meet them most often and enjoy the energy of goodness.
It might have occurred to him in countless ways that seeing you would open up the best possibilities to have moments he could cherish in the later days. And he feels like having you around to enjoy the chemistry you share, the sweet talks that lift up his spirits, and the fun that cheers every bit of him.
There is a sudden rise of elation that he goes through on every occasion you come to his sight. It's a sign of deeper commitment that he is ready to invest his thoughts and time in. It also contributes to the growth of a shared identity that may find its way out of these stupendous hours of togetherness. See through his vulnerable self and you would probably decipher a stronger understanding of those five words.
He might be waiting to make things memorable by
- Impromptu adventures through off-the-beaten paths.
- Thoughtful surprises to catch you off-guard.
- Celebrating milestones with you manifesting care and concern.
So, say yes when he asks you out, and fill your treasure box with wonderful stories.
#10 He wants to discuss something
When a guy says you should meet soon, it may be born out of a need to discuss something big. He might be in a state of anxiety or depression that he finds no one to share with. Or he seems to be going through a rough patch in life and trusts you as someone to confide in and seek support from.
It could be a simple one-to-one meet-up or seeing you in person that he finds heartening to exchange updates on your personal life. There are multiple things and issues that he might talk about to address them in a fair and friendly way. It may be even your relationship that he feels urged to redefine and reach clarity on seeing you.
To share some recent important achievements or news like that of his promotion or getting a job he was long waiting for, there is none but you he might call on or pay a visit. Get this straight that he values your advice and knows you are a loyal shoulder to lean on.
# 11 He is attracted to your physical charm
Physical connection is a wild force that stimulates a man's desire to see his lady as frequently as he affords to. He cannot sit back and wait for you to come forward and fix the emotional torrent he is in. Your beauty and gorgeous features might pull him like a magnet and he can't keep calm. He feels greatly drawn toward you and restless to see you time and again.
His feeling of attraction gains momentum and beats his self-restraint when he helplessly yields to the physical drive and it slips out of him that he wants to see you. You run out of words and struggle to phrase the right words. Mull it over and it will be a no-brainer to see that he has fallen for your beauty.
By hook or by crook, he is desperate to have you around all the time. This one statement of his spills the beans and gets the real scoop come to light.
#12 He wants a romantic relationship with you
It is the most accepted explanation that a guy who intends to come into a romantic relationship with you, will evidently be dying to see you. He will get around you to plan for a romantic rendezvous to confess his love. He chooses the right time to engage in a relaxing and private place to express his innermost feelings.
Probably he knows he can't waste any more time to know and let you know where you both are standing as a couple. So he stops beating around the bush, picks up a place where civilization won't interrupt, and tells you straightway he wants to see you.
Can you see the beeline coming to something more intimate? There you are. You would be none the wiser if you still can't make a head or tail about his true intention. Yes, now is the time he is expecting to strike up a romantic engagement with you.
How should you react when a guy wants to see you soon?
You must be undergoing a swirl of emotions when a guy asks you to meet him soon. Feeling edgy and nervous with a mixed bag of fear and thrill, you can't decide between right and wrong. Peel off your shaky skin and ride on with us to explore the responses that will best fit the situation.
Get, set, read.
#1 Be clear about your own feelings
Listen to your own heartbeats before you utter the reaction. It's important to weigh up your feelings toward the guy when he wants a meet-up. Don't avoid the surge of interest or lack of interest before you give a word to him.
- If you are interested
Show your enthusiasm if you are equally thrilled to see him. Express your excitement about the idea to meet and say,
"Why not? I'm up for this weekend. Let's do some fun together."
Or you may say,
"There is a new movie coming this week. How about hitting the theater and grabbing a coffee afterward? Sounds good?"
- If you are not sure
There is nothing wrong with feeling unsure about how to respond to his proposal. In that case, follow the ' honesty is the best policy' theory and communicate your confusion to him by saying,
"This is very sweet of you, but I think we should stick to chatting for now. We must take time and get to know each other first."
- If you are not interested
Be honest and open in conveying your reluctance to get romantically involved. Don't build castles of false hopes if you are hardly interested. One thing you need to keep in mind is that denial is difficult to handle, so do it respectfully and decently so that he can acknowledge your empathy and doesn't feel shattered. You could approach him by saying,
"Thanks for the invite, but currently I am not looking for a serious hookup. It would be great if we stay as friends."
#2 Trust your instincts
This is the time you should follow your gut feeling. Ask yourself the questions you need to stay sure about. Don't ignore what your heart dictates to you. Trusting your instincts would provide you with valuable insights into the possibilities of a growing relationship.
Pay heed to your inner feeling and intuition and let them guide you through. Tune in with your sixth sense and see if you feel really happy, safe, and comfortable with the guy and would enjoy seeing him again. Or do you see the red flags warning you against some unknown trouble and signaling against some unprecedented situation?
It is your inner voice that might give you the wake-up call in the face of feeling physically threatened or unsafe and pull you back from the potential peril when you meet the guy who is not a familiar one.
#3 Be direct to express your discomfort
Being direct to discuss your discomfort is imperative to set boundaries. Stay truthful to yourself and to the relationship. Let him know where you feel uncomfortable and look for the signs of how he reacts toward your opinion or whether he respects the boundary.
If you feel hesitant to come up with an honest conversation about the meet-up, that would put him hooked in a puzzling maze. By not being direct you are bursting his bubble and inviting unwanted misunderstandings. Avoid throwing mixed signals that may leave room for misinterpretations.
It is necessary for you to talk straightforwardly to ensure your emotional health and priorities on self-care. You need to identify his approach to your preferences to get a better view of the relationship and of him.
#4 Be patient and let things develop naturally
Keep it slow until you feel sorted about the possibility of sharing a relationship with a guy who wants to see you now. You should take your time and let things grow organically. This doesn't mean that you are unwilling to see him, but it shows that you like it being a gradual process.
It is wise to pause, sit back, relax and stay away from overthinking. Tell him about your ideas on embracing the charm over the course of time. Emphasize on knowing each other better before you meet up. This will furnish you with the best ways to assess your emotional compatibility with him. You must not rush things before entering a serious commitment.
If things are meant to be shaped in a desired way, you need not worry to force them. This is a sign of your loyal adherence to the relationship. Must you interact your thoughts with the other person to let him understand that you believe in the long-term relationship that develops slowly after a mutual attachment.
#5 Suggest a date
You can feel the butterflies in your stomach when he drops the message stating he wishes to see you. Take a moment to count your blessings and volunteer a date. Assure him that you have your consent for the private tryst. Contribute to the planning by suggesting a suitable time and place where you can fend off the worldly noise and stay close to each other. Start by saying,
"So, wanna go for a walk and try some wine in the evening? How about visiting the Cafe by The Lane this Saturday, 5 p.m?"
Keep it low-key and find a quiet and cozy restaurant or a beachside cafe for having a relaxing and peaceful conversation. Let the music of love play the best notes in the air and embrace it with a welcoming heart.
In case you are still not sure about paying a face-to-face visit, you can take your time for a rethought and make plans later until things look promising.
Pro tips
Below are a few quick tips to consider before responding to a guy who wants to see you.
- Consider your feelings before saying anything in favor of or against the potential meeting. Don't make haste as it may cost your sanity in the end.
- Get a reality check. Once you are done with the credibility of the person, you are ready to make a move.
- Be careful about your safety. Always choose a public place to come and meet if it's not a known person.
- Don't forget to consider the importance of honest communication while sharing your thoughts and notions.
- Say it out loud if you do not approve of his behavior as appropriate. Lay boundaries that he must not cross.
- Don't throw vague ideas. Be clear and direct to convey your interest or disinterest.