9 Signs a Leo Man Just Wants to Be Friends (+Tips)

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People start dating with a few common things in mind. They have a sheet of basic information about their partners, like their contact and job details. Yet, there is a vast arena of vice and virtues to be known about the person.
Before we make castles in the air, it is a must to know whether the person wants the same future as we do with them.
For those eclectic facts, we can turn to astrology, which can provide us with their zodiac sign carrying a number of clues for their unnamed characteristics.
Among those zodiacs, Leo needs a special mention. No other sign can match their vitality and loud extravaganza.
They are outgoing, they are confident, and they are clamorous. Their glitzy glamor will blow you away at the very first sight, and you will be wondering to meet them soon to get wonder-struck once again.
If one of these Leonians has thrown you the Cupid’s arrow and made you miserably love-sick, you need not go elsewhere. We have garnered a handful of signs to open your third eye and let you have a close look.
Fasten your seatbelt because this is going to be one heck of a journey as you enter the most dramatic lanes of the mind that may leave you breathless.
Possible signs that a Leo man just wants to be friends
Leo is what its name suggests. Represented by a lion, it has the heart of a lion. He is as great a man as a lover. Exploring the world of a Leo will reveal traits you can relate to his personal emotions.
Sun being the ruling planet of this zodiac sign, he resembles the character of the same by always sharing the spotlight just like the way Sun appears in the middle of the sky and rules the universe.
His blinding brilliance is identical to fire, which is the primary element of Leo. If you need to know him better, rack up the scores of distinction that earmark this man of mystique.
Here, I lay the set of signs for you to know what's there inside his brain. Catch him if you can.
#1 He doesn't initiate plans
Leos are born to live with plans. They can't stay back at home without socializing with people. And when it comes to their love life, they are crafted planners who can arrange dating venues and all with a shimmering dazzle to impress their women.
Yet you see him getting passive on asking you to go with him or initiating romantic trysts.
He is an adventurous soul who cannot avoid the chance to take a dive into the numerous possibilities to pursue his lady with a stroke of thrills.
Leo is synonymous with flourishing verve. He will put it to work with all the vivacity once he wants to spend his life with you.
Blessed with a refined taste for beauty and elegance, they want grand plans to arrange for the women they want to woo. As a result, there will be memorable movie dates or exceptional dining ideas with their beloved amidst a low-key sunset beach or the trendiest food corner.
But all this will be nothing but a delusion if you are too far from being a lover. He will make excuses for his busy schedule or pile of work put on hold in order to postpone or cancel plans with you. You won't see him coming forward with a zealous mind to take you out and spend time together.
There will rarely be any occasion when he takes the responsibility to set up an evening that you can call a romantic one. If you do that instead, by taking the initiative and offering your schedule for planning quality time, he might turn it down by mentioning other commitments. All this might translate into the truth that you are just a friend of his.
#2 He doesn't bother much about your feelings
As known by their zodiac signs, Leos can be self-absorbed sometimes. It can lead to a misjudgment about them among people who communicate with them and consider them to be self-centered.
As usual times, they have the biggest heart one can ever have. Especially in their dating life, they are as generous as possible. But with friends, they might put themselves first before they consider your feelings.
Leo men are meticulous about paying attention to their beloved’s life. They never fail to keep their eyes on the slightest change their partners make. Whether it is their outfit or their dismayed facial expression, it never eludes their watchful gaze fixed on their changing avatars.
But on the contrary, he will devote his least effort to take notice of your actions and appearances if there is nothing romantic between you.
For example, think of buying a new dress or wearing a new pair of fancy glasses before him. You can see that he will probably miss out on your much-tried change in looks, keep a cool head, and adopt a passive stance.
The situation would have taken a reverse turn if he had a soft spot for you and was in desperation to make you swoon with his caring nature and loving heart.
A Leo man cannot ignore the feelings of his lady. He is a burning mass of passion when he is surrounded by his woman. What she feels and how she feels are placed at the top of his priority list once he has taken a pledge to have her in his life.
His lack of romance can be marked through his nonchalance toward your emotional revelation and needs for validation.
On one hand, he will keep refusing to meet you by juggling multiple commitments, on the other, he will never try to ask you if you felt hurt about it or make up for the lost time.
A little insensitive version of Leo is the deciding sign that he wants to stay as a friend in your life by not raising your expectations to a sky-high limit.
#3 He prefers keeping a physical distance
Men crave closeness with their female partners. As far as Leo is concerned, they are extraordinary lovers with a burning flame of sensuousness. They get turned on as soon as their ladybirds come close. With a gutsy move, they want to touch them and feel the warmth of their body.
If it is not a romantic feeling, he would prefer to stay out of your private zone. He will move to another place whenever he senses that both of you might be too close to each other.
Spending time with him will bring a lot of truths to the table when you discover his reluctance to stay in physical contact with you. There will be a stark difference between his body language as a friend and a suitor. He will show that through his ‘touch-me-not’ acts.
Leo lovers are expressive ones. They do not believe in controlling their all-consuming fervor in the presence of their love.
You can take example of anyone belonging to this fire sign, and in no time, you will discover that they know how to make the most of the opportunities by coming into the physical vicinity of their women and leave a mark of their special fondness.
The implicit physical gestures are the signature styles of Leo men, as stated by sites like Astrology.com, when they grow passionate about a lady.
Among a folk of thousands, he would try to find a reason to come and sit beside you, provided he is drawn to you romantically. The next thing he will do is to place his arm around your shoulder or start with brushing his legs with yours. Carefully but gently, he will light up a spark in you with his delicate tapping.
You will see none of these sweet games of touch if you are not the girl he is taking fantasy on. Contrarily, he will pull himself away before you might bump into an accidental collision or unwanted rubbing. With that, he won't be interested in holding hands or giving a light hug in order to settle on the boundary he preserves for friends.
#4 He talks about other women
Because of the extremely sociable nature of Leonian guys, they do not hide their feelings from their friends. Given a chance, they pour in their secrets uninhibitedly. And I bet he would talk about his love life with a similar enthusiasm to you if he considers you as a friend.
There are two different scenarios. He is friendly and gregarious with friends in a way that he will openly discuss his crush on a girl he might have come across very recently. The detailed description of his encounter will again prove that he is comfortable sharing things about other women before you.
The second scenario revolves around his ladylove, whom he is romantically interested in. Whether it is you or anybody else, he cannot refer to other girls unless he doesn't want to make them jealous and gauge their interest in him. He knows that he will lose his chances to appear chivalrous before the woman if he risks it by sounding flirtatious.
Close your eyes and try to remember the time when he tells you how amazing he feels around a female friend of his or how he runs out of words to see one of his female colleagues.
And note the way he never misses a detail to mention about his feelings and excitement to describe them. If he is single, he could be ready to mingle and maybe talk about random women whom he meets and his eagerness to get the strings attached.
But counting you off the list is a clear hint that he is more at ease to have you as a friend.
#5 He seldom gives you a romantic hint
Men in love abound in romantic gestures. And talking about Leo guys, they are no short of a poet when they fall in love. With their ladies around, they are high on hints and romantic gestures.
If he thinks you are one of his friends and nothing else, he won't feel the need to show anything romantic. His countenance will be restricted to friendly jokes and casual chats with you.
However, to see his potential partner, he will be a changed man. He will certainly be like the other Leos, who can't help smiling at the sight of their special women.
And his eyes! They just can't be in control when he is vulnerable with his feelings.
Leo men have an intense, piercing gaze to throw at their beloved to convey the message of their heart. You would have caught him giving you secret glances at your careless moments only if he wants to take it further to a romantic relationship.
Leo guy may drop suggestive hints in case he wants you to know he has a feeling for you. He will often tease you with playful banter and call you by names like ‘babe’ or ‘honey’ to show his interest in you.
But he will keep it straight, simple, and shallow in case he is happy to share a friendship with you instead of something deeper than that.
#6 He doesn't show jealousy at your interest in other men
Leos are best at expressing their love and worst at hiding their jealousy. The moment they hear you talking about other guys, they can't stay calm and end up revealing their resentment.
You can try this trick to know about his real motive toward you. If you see that he suddenly gets restless when a guy comes near you or hits on you, and the next moment he gets up or walks away in a half-suppressed anger, you can be sure he is a jealous man who can't relax to have anyone around you.
But the reversal would, unfortunately, prove that he is not emotionally invested in you as a partner. Instead, he might take it in an amusing light to enjoy the fact that you have a possibility of a romantic hookup with someone.
On the other hand, you can refer to any other guy to observe his emotional insecurities and unseen possessiveness regarding you. He will either react with a failed attempt to put on a smile, surprisingly fall silent, or mumble his uneasiness at your decorated remarks on that imaginary character.
All this is true when he is attracted to you in a way more than a friend, but if not, you will see him going around fine, even though you showed a loud expression of interest in other guys before him.
#7 He hardly gives you compliments
A typical Leo is known to be a man gifted with the ability to compliment his partner. He is a genuine lover who has a lot to offer to please his other half.
Their expressive and talkative nature gives them a unique talent for showering heartfelt praises on their lovers. He has a collection of ideas to show his appreciation for your best skills when you are his lover.
He will send gift cards, sometimes flowers and your favorite chocolates to congratulate you on your small achievements if he thinks he must change the game of friendship into something romantic.
Sometimes, he overdoes it by exaggerating the achievements of his partner. His loud, specific, and tailored words of admiration act as strong thumbs up for the girl being addressed.
So, have you found the similarities with your Leo boy?
To become a true lover, Leos need to come up with a generous heap of flattering accolades that would melt the heart of his partner.
If you still can't see any relatable stories, sadly, you can't be anything more than a mere friend. Leo men are said to be the bold ones to beat the drums of their favorite women without caring about others. So it won't be good news if he doesn't take the time to say how pretty you look or how good you are at your respective genre.
He will lack the phrases of encouragement to value the way you are. A friend Leo is likely to be less showy in admiring your outer and inner beauty.
#8 He brings up his past lover in the discussion
Leos are the flag bearers of loyalty and wholehearted commitment. So when he is dumped by his lover, he takes it by heart. Most often, he finds it hard to wipe out the memories of his ex.
What if your cute Leo man is toeing the line?
What I mean is that it's not a very positive sign if he still remembers his ex and keeps bringing her into the conversation. It will mean that he is still stuck in the mud and struggling to leave the past behind.
The aftermath is not favorable for you since he is still not ready to welcome anyone else to his life to replace his previous lover, with whom perhaps he has grown a deep-rooted feeling of attachment.
This is not unusual for any of us to miss our ex at some point in time. But if that becomes a frequent story for him, maybe you need to back away with a heavy heart this time because he might not be able to forget his ex-girlfriend yet in order to date you.
Suppose you two share a good deal of things in common and enjoy prolonged conversations. But you know that most of them are about how happy he was with his ex or what wonderful times they both had as a couple. Sometimes, he gives references to her as someone too impossible to get over.
This should be enough to clue you in on his preference for a platonic relationship with you.
#9 He mentions you as a friend to others
This will strike you odd if he portrays his relationship with you as a friendship to others. A Leo man never feels hesitant to declare his love for the lady he adores.
Yet you can't ignore the fact that he has no plan of giving a name of romance to your relationship while introducing you to them.
He may be mentioning you as ‘just a friend’ to his acquaintances, and that is the clearest sign that he wants to have you as a friend.
Moreover, if you notice that he is not showing his willingness or putting any effort to change the relationship status into a romantic one, be it on a virtual platform or in a real-life network with other friends and neighbors, it reaffirms the friend zone he wants to stay in with you.
Does it remind you of how often he acquaints you with his close people as a friend? Yes, you can't live in a fool's paradise if there is no serious reciprocation from the one you set your expectations so high on. Get that very clear that it's an indirect statement that you should not wish more than a friendship from him.
Why does a Leo man choose friendship over a romantic relationship
Leos have a life dedicated to their friends. They can't imagine living without them. Although they are great as lovers, but sometimes they are greater as friends.
While girls flip over the eye-catching appeal of the Leo men, they prefer to float on the surface of friendship and do not want to get cuffed in a serious relationship very quickly.
But why does he do so?
Let's get the answers.
#1 They don't want to part with their freedom
The astrological reading of Leos will tell you he is the one led by the Sun as his ruling planet. No wonder he inherits the qualities of the greatest planet in the solar system. Just like the sun, he loves to stay as a center of attraction and calls for the attention of the others staying in orbit.
This tendency of the Leo man gives him a sense of freedom, which he enjoys celebrating with others. In his life, he is as regal as a lion, justifying his sun sign. So he can't accept being dominated by others and stays content being the one in charge of his close ones.
As the king of the jungle looks after the animals of his kingdom, he acts like a powerful man who would lead his tribe of friends and dear ones. He won't depend on others to set his timeline or strike the hay because to them, it's always his way or the highway.
This is why he avoids being a partner of a woman, as he knows it might put an end to his independent life by asking him to compromise with his liberty. The singlehood is always alluring to them as a window to live life king-size.
Friends, as a Leo man wants to describe, are their strength and safe places to be himself. There is no priority conflict, no demands, no complaints, and no sign of control.
He loves to be free, and he loves to be doted on. And as he values his personal goals and interests, he wishes to strive for them without the compulsions or restrictions of a committed partnership.
#2 They have compatibility issues
Leo men are best described as perfectionists. They are choosy and picky in selecting people to whom they give special attention and hold close to their hearts.
The self-opinionated Leos do not believe anyone can outsmart them with intelligence or knowledge. It leads them to set their bars so high that hardly any woman can meet their expectations and dare to be their better halves.
To get pleased, girls have to please them and feed their egos with pampering submission. Until he is sure that the other person, too, is a classy one as he is, he never shows any interest in them.
He often takes pride in walking with a leonine gait to assert his superiority over others. Finding his compatible partner is a rare thing for Leo as he looks for women who might personify the combined set of ideologies like goodness, strength of mind, and intellect.
Since he seeks a high standard of personality in his partner, it's often difficult to find someone with an equal level of creativity and impeccability.
The quest for the best often leads to incompatibility with every other woman he gets in touch with, which in the end turns them loathful to the idea of being committed and agreeing with the concept of friendship.
#3 They choose validation and admiration as their priority
Seeking attention is a leading characteristic of a Leo guy. He would surrender to you as soon as you start bringing him into the limelight. However, he is skeptical about the outcome of a romantic relationship in terms of fulfilling his demands.
He revels in his own reflections and wants his mate to do the same. Whether it's their career or a personal issue, they need constant motivation and push. That is why he is seen to thrive in relationships that can treasure their presence and feel proud of their existence.
But if you fail to realize what he wants, there is no hope, my dear. It's because they crave to feel validated by their partner and turn away immediately after they learn they can't have it.
His romantic version is epic in showcasing the affection the minute he knows he has an indulgent partner.
But there is a ‘but’. Most of the time, he is convinced of the illusion that it is almost uncertain to get a woman who can boost his ego by putting in incessant admiration and appreciation. And on the flip side, there are friends who can be more reliable ones to help him feel exceptionally prized and adored.
Therefore, choosing friendship over a romantic relationship is the best decision they think they can make to safeguard their sense of self-regard and complacency.
How to turn a Leo man into more than a friend
By this time, you must have guessed that the Leo men can go fine without trying to impress a woman. It's the girls who get rewarded for getting him hooked and chase after his magnetic charm.
They are the show stealers and identifying themselves with a lion, they are only happy when they find an ideal lioness.
If you are crazy about one of these charismatic Leos, here are the simple things to keep in mind to draw him close.
#1 Flatter him with compliments and appreciation
Note that Leo men have a lion-sized pride. And adding a buttery stroke on his pride turns him around. Mend his heart by pumping it up with all your pampering touch and complimenting his qualities.
The high esteem of Leo men glows on when you lionize him and his achievements. He will belong to the girl who is familiar with how to give him center stage. It works wonders at a breakneck speed when you start to praise him and spices up his glamor.
Look how he yearns for more when he receives appreciation in plenty because a Leo man lives for admiration and dies for the same.
Let him know you really enjoy being around him for his radiant and splendorous personality.
Say things like,
- ‘The joke you told the last day made a real punch of fun to my gut. It was so hilarious that I had tears of laughter in my eyes. Why don't you share that one again with us?’
- ‘You look like a king with this royal suit. I wonder who doesn't want to be the queen.’
- ‘I feel so good to talk to you. You are such a cute darling, man.’
#2 Let your confidence shine
A confident woman is the one who attracts a Leo man without fail. The more confident you are, the more you will earn his favor.
You will capture his soul the way you decide to establish your self-worth before him. He is the man who admires women with a self-assuring character and is happy in their bodies.
Show him that you have your opinion and do not depend on others for accomplishing what you aim at. Look straight into his eyes while talking to emanate the light of firmness and conviction.
If you crush on him, be an expert to camouflage it with your assertiveness that outweighs everything around him. Make him chase you a little. In the end, you both will be the gainers.
#3 Be sensible and sensitive
Staying in the good book of Leo guys starts with a small step of taking care of his mind. The way you are there to support him in his toughest hour will be the real test of your love.
Leos men have a hard exterior under which there is always a hunger for love. Feed him with your loving nature by demonstrating compassion and a nurturing spirit.
Remember that Leos are a rare find and have a larger-than-life personality. To impress him, you must stay the way you are without feigning superficiality. They cannot resist people who are authentically true and empathetic.
Being generous by nature, they know how to appreciate generosity. Express your inner kindness and sensitive self to grab his attention. Allow him to be vulnerable to you and let him open up his buried emotions in an effortless way.
Their zodiac sign speaks for their longing to feel desired, cared and needed. Given that warmth and assurance by a woman, they will be ready to shift his eye of romance on you. Make no mistake, therefore, to stir his emotions by staying unapologetically honest, warm, and sensible.
- Show appreciation and shower compliments on your Leo man to create ripples in his heart.
- Leo men fall for excitement and flowery gestures. So, put extra effort into surprising him with tokens of love or planning something adventurous.
- Respect his private space by not trying to control his decision or imposing your opinion on him.
- Step aside, let him bask in his own glory, and make him the star of the show.
- Strike a bold posture and walk tall with confidence in front of him, and trust me, you are in for a treat with your Leo boy.
- Dare to be the real you, unfiltered and unique. Your leonian will love to pair with you.