My Girlfriend Never Posts About Me on Social Media (Here's Why)

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The point why people like to be in a relationship is continuous validation. They like to feel loved and cared for. They like to play with the idea that they are needed in the life of their loved ones for them to survive. Lovers often address weird notions that tag along when in a relationship.
Posting photos with your boyfriend/girlfriend ranks high among these notions. It instills a sense of security within their partners as they know that they can trust you. It is a green flag of loyalty. They know that the world knows that you are already taken. Hence, no one will come your way to show or prove it otherwise.
However what to imagine and do when your girlfriend never gives you that acknowledgment or credibility that you are looking for? How to understand whether she is playing you, or she is merely being low-key?
If you don’t know the answers to the above, worry not. In this blogpost, I’ll help you figure out why your girlfriend never posts about you on social media, and what should you do about it. Keep reading to know more.
Reasons why your girlfriend never posts about you on social media
She likes to keep her life low-key. If you go through her profile, you might discover that she posts about nothing. She comes across as an introvert who doesn’t like to socialize. To know more, continue reading below.
#1 She's not into social media
Perhaps you are already overthinking this. Your girlfriend doesn’t treat you as a celebrity or post about you on social media because she isn’t active on social media. Check her account and follow her religiously to understand her behavior in the virtual world.
Trust me, the personality shifts when you are dealing with a platform that you know is not real but holds importance. You are expected to act and behave in a certain way because the entire world is watching you with big and wide open eyes.
Your girlfriend might find this world loathsome. She doesn’t get the celebratory aspect of it. Unlike most women, you will discover that your girlf isn’t vain. She is a nerd who doesn’t pay heed to the trends that run society. She is her person and to keep her interest engaged with you, your efforts have to be genuine, devoid of any unnecessary pretentious.
#2 She is insecure and not ready to make it public
Perhaps your girlfriend feels insecure, and nervous that one fine day you might wake up and decide to abandon her. It might be coming from her past experiences.
You should provide her with more heartfelt gestures to make her confident. For instance, post about her in your stories that give her the option of resharing them.
Appreciate her efforts and company in private and in public. Let the world know what you are into, and how lucky you find yourself to be with her.
Create a world for the two of you, where you can share everything without a strain of doubt. Allow this world to slowly take the shape and form of something beautiful. It will enlarge in its capacity. That is when you bring the wide big world into your romantic horizon.
Making a public display until and unless the things between you and her are strong and bulletproof from the attacks of the jealous lot is uncalled for. It is a good thing that she is taking her time. That way, whatever decision she lands to will be permanent.
#3 You have just started dating
If you are in a very young relationship where you have just started dating, give time for your girlfriend to come around. She cannot celebrate you without any valid reasons for celebrations. You must use this moment to put your best step forward.
Do things that are heart-winning. Little things matter the most. Surprise her with cute gestures. Be the adorable man in her life. Let her friends celebrate you, and be jealous of her. Be such an embodiment of qualities that not only your girlfriend but everyone in her life like you.
It is not as challenging as it may sound. All you need to do is be considerate, and available. Keep her as your priority. Always try to answer her call. Try to check on her, be around her. You are not Superman. Your girlfriend won’t expect you to sort out her troubles. But she would expect you to hold her close and sit with her through them. Small things make a great difference.
#4 You don’t post about her either
You can’t expect your girlfriend to break all the stereotypes at once, and come out as a pro-feminists who loves to indulge in celebrating her supporting boyfriend when he hasn’t played his part yet.
If you have seriously not posted about your girlfriend or made the relationship official yet, you cannot blindly dream about her posting about you. Most things in a relationship are expected to be done by the guy first. This includes proposals, making the relationship official, introducing her to your friends, et cetera.
If you are shy or you don’t want the world to know about her at once, you can post blurry pictures too. Tagging her in memes is another way to show that you love her. Whatever you do, make her feel that you always have her back. She should not feel lonely in your presence.
If you aren’t ready to post about her on your timeline, ask yourself what can be the probable reason. Now put yourself in her shoes and imagine can not have the same reasons. You will obtain your answers, and you will get to know whether your girlfriend is in the right in doing so or not.
#5 She likes attention
If your girlfriend craves attention, she won’t risk or lose it by letting the world know at once that she is head-over-heels in love with someone. She fears that it might make her life dull. While she might not cheat on you, she likes to be flirted with. Harmless laughter does her good.
There are ways in which we court the other person. Our features might not be taken up as romantic by all. Your girlfriend might find the way another guy talks to her more romantic than you.
It doesn’t mean that she doesn’t love you, or that she intends to break your heart. It suggests that she is not deriving all the things that she wants to look forward to from the relationship. You can ask her to tell you about how she found you as a boyfriend.
You can also ask her if there was one thing that she missed about her past relationships, what would that be? She might not answer at first, but when you make her comfortable and make her see the vast point and bandwidth that you are trying to expand to foster better communication and romance will prove to be helpful.
#6 She feels you are not serious about her
If you have many female friends or you look up other women online, talk to or comment on their posts, your girlfriend might take you lightly. You might come across as so desperate that she might find you stinking.
Never let a woman feel that you have taken her for granted. Once she stops taking you seriously, you are doomed on her list. Gaining a man’s affection is a very easy process. The challenge occurs when the tables turn around.
It takes time to enchant a woman with your spell, you will see that she sticks by you when she has started accepting you as hers, but the moment she stops liking you or loses her conviction, there is hardly ever any tracing back.
Hence, don’t let issues related to the virtual world take a strong hold between you and your girlfriend. Pamper her, send her flowers, and she will want to show it to the world. Love her the right way, and she will love you back in ways you cannot imagine.
#7 You are still too obsessed with your ex
If you keep on bringing your ex into the conversations with your girlfriend or even otherwise, she might feel that you not only do not regard her seriously but that you are also obsessed with your ex. She might be suspicious of your love and devotion to her, and feel that you might go back to your ex if given the opportunity.
Many people get limited in their conduct by their past experiences. Don’t be someone on that list. It brings unfair treatment to the one who has decided to hold your hands. Remember, we all have our past, and our set of mistakes. You should not allow the mistakes of the days gone by to enable behavior that shall make you hurt the ones who matter in the same way in which your ex might have ignorantly hurt you.
You can keep your behavior in check by engaging your girlfriend in a feedback session. Ask her if she is facing any challenges with you. Ask her if there is anything that you can do from your end to enhance the equation and experience with you. And most importantly, kick your ex out of your life for good.
Even if you might have a soft spot for her, you need to understand that now all your affection should be devoted to your girlfriend. You cannot expect your girlfriend to share the love that she holds for you with anyone else. It would be unjust on a whole other level.
Click on the link below, to discover more about the blunders made and follies committed by the guys who are obsessed with their ex despite having a girlfriend.
Related Read: My Boyfriend Called His Ex Beautiful (Reasons & How to Deal)
#8 She is with you for the wrong reasons
We get into a relationship because we don’t like to stay out of it. The game of Fear of Missing Out (FOMO) is so strong that many people are attracted to this out of fear, and wrong reasons.
The most common instance in such a case is when one of the partners feels that nobody can love them stronger than you do.
In your case, it might be that perhaps your girlfriend likes the way you love her but she doesn’t quite love you enough. If you don’t come across as very gentlemanly, or if you put on unpressed clothes, or if she keeps complaining about your fashion style, she might be embarrassed by the way you look together. You might have to work out on your physique here.
It might seem a child's play to ask your girlfriend to state the reasons why she is in love with you. However, an indirect way of making her express it before you might not be that bad an option. Introduce a chit-game where you will have to do things listed on the chit. Put down prompts such as the thing that you adore about your partner, one thing that you could change about your partner, etc.
It will fetch you clarity without making your girlfriend conscious of her words and actions unless she is too smart. You can decide from there on how to make amends. Whatever you do, do it with a calm mind. You should be mindful of your words and actions lest you might reflect on your girlfriend’s mistakes which will cause more misunderstandings and differences.
#9 She stays low-key
If your girlfriend has hardly ever posted on social media, she likes to stay low-key. It will be natural for her to not post about you either. You will have to look this up in a different way. She has taken you as a part of herself. You are to her an extended version of herself. Hence, posting anything about you is equivalent to posting stuff about yourself.
She wants to keep you personal. She might be someone who is superstitious and feels that people might get too jealous of her happiness. You might feel it to be a childish notion but you cannot come across as insensitive here. You will have to show her that no matter what happens, you will stick by her in high and low.
#10 You haven’t made the relationship official yet
If one day you started dating this girl which whom you were friends, but you never made an effort to make her an official proposal, she might be waiting for it or even have gotten tired of waiting for it by now.
You need to give continuous gestures that show not only to your girl but also to others what she means to you. Praise her, and appreciate her efforts, this will motivate her to become better as a giver. Nobody is selfless.
Hence, the greedy part should come across in such a way that it is taken as a boon in foliage. She should feel good that you are greedy about her. It will motivate her in ways that will keep your relationship immersed in love.
#11 She has a bothering ex
Perhaps there is something that is pulling back your girlfriend from rightfully coming before you. One such possible cause could be a bothering ex. She is afraid that her ex will come after you when he discovers about you.
If her ex is a macho and has a rowdy personality whereas you are someone with the opposite traits, that is, you have a gentle bearing and countenance, you are more poetic in temperament, more calm and composed, someone who finds love in nature, can see and adore beauty in everything, she will never want to lose you or risk you from her side.
She doesn’t want to make you conscious about the guys that she has dated or has been with in the past. Hence, she avoids discussing all this with you. However, with a little more deliberation and reassurance, you will be able to gain her trust and convince her to trust you stronger.
#12 You don’t have pictures together
If you don’t have pictures together, what will she post about? Or, if you don’t have good or quirky pictures together, she might not want to post things the old-school way. Try to pose doofy with her the next time. Don’t get too formal or conscious when you are posing with your girlfriend.
It should be very comfortable and heartwarming. The important thing is to find a comfort zone where both of you can make each other feel good. The warmth that you share should take away all the need to be pretentious.
#13 She's afraid of jinxing it
Some people believe that posting about their relationship on social media can jinx it or bring bad luck. This fear instills most in those who are scared to love and feel terribly the idea of coming across as vulnerable.
Such people give their best in the relationship and do everything that is needed to love their partner. The only condition is to not make a public display of it. They want to treat love as something very natural. Everybody deserves to have it. Hence, it is no big deal that you have this one person you would do anything for. They want everyone to have such a person in life, and at the same time, they don't want others to be jealous of what these people have.
What to do when your girlfriend never posts pictures about you on social media?
Your girlfriend might not be huge on social media and might not appreciate your constant intervention of the same. There are other ways to make you feel loved and valued. Don’t judge her on one aspect. Take a wholesome view of the situation instead.
However, if this aspect matters to you much, read below to find out alternative ways to handle it better.
#1 Express your feelings
It is nothing to feel embarrassed of from expressing your feelings before your girlfriend. She is at your side. Her presence will make you feel good. Hence, when expressed your feelings in the right tone and manner, it will be appreciated.
You will be surprised to see the lengths that your girlfriend might take to make you feel confident and comfortable. However, what you should encourage is no extreme behavior. You both should be targeting to make this relationship beautiful and sustainable.
It will happen when you ground things in reality. It is not always possible to keep making public posts about you, but say, when you haven’t met for a while, a post out of the blue will make you feel good. Explain to her that you don’t want the process to be painstaking. It is only that there are things that boyfriends and girlfriends do for one another which make them feel happy and in love forever.
#2 Ask her about it
If you are in some kind of dilemma that is making it difficult for you to comprehend your girlfriend’s behavior or the lack of it, the easiest way to the solution is to ask her about it. Put it in a clear-cut and crisp manner. Tell her, “If I may ask you, my love, why don’t you post about us on social media the way most of our friends and I do? I am just curious to know because I want to assure you that there is nothing that makes you feel uncomfortable.”
This will encourage her to do the talking. The right prompts can resolve a lot of things. You need to just curate your doubts in a way that is not felt too strongly by your girl. Just doing that and nothing more is more than enough. Your girlfriend might appreciate that you do think about her and she is on your mind most of the time.
#3 Post about her more frequently
When you want someone to do something for you, an easy tactic is to keep doing it yourself multiple times. This will make obvious the kind of behavior you like to indulge in. Your partner will naturally try to copy you. The replicating of behavior will get him there.
Most of the time, saying, stating or even uttering our expectations does not come to aid and even limits the bar as the other person finds it easy to do things that bring you happiness. Rather than making things so easy and straight-jacketed, make them complex. Play with subtlety by giving prompts through your actions rather than your words and keeping the task nearly incomplete. Let her join you and come aboard to help you work with it. It will improve the situation and bring you better control of the overall circumstances.
#4 Make your relationship official
If your relationship isn’t official yet, it is high time that you make it so. Stop battling your mind with the thoughts of the future. At the given moment you desire your girlfriend the most and that is all that matters. Show her the same. Make her feel loved.
If she doesn’t hesitate with this step then whatever doubts and confusions you have had is all your mind’s dirty work. It has created a mess that was never there in the first place. Work on your situation and do things better. Making things official will help you to level up your relationship status and will draw in clarity for both of you, bringing you respite.
#5 Take more pictures with her
If you don’t have many pictures with your girlfriend, it will naturally prevent her from sharing pictures with you or posting about you on social media. Hence, the best tactic to make her do so is to take very adorable and attractive pictures with her.
Sometimes you can directly click pictures on an application and share them on social media instantly. If your girlfriend hesitates, you ask her about it. The problem will get resolved either way then and there.
If she goes silent and refuses to explain, you are not on the same page with her. It is the boldest red flag that you might need at the moment to take a few steps back and wait to see if she holds you or lets you go.
#6 Get to know her friends
Establishing a good friendship with your girlfriend’s friends will strengthen your relationship. They will be able to keep your back when your girlfriend might be filled with doubts. It is a bonus as you will get to learn more about your girlfriend’s nature, conduct, past, and her side of the reasons for dating you from them.
At the same time, you must take the opportunity to introduce your girlfriend to your friends so that the equation is balanced and even. She will have the same advantages about your past and nature that you will have of her.
It will create an unspoken understanding between both of you that will be firm and neutral, charged with the need to know each other well to be enabled to love more. Don’t be among the pair who are scared to confront the past. Be among the ones who know how to hold hands and stay together no matter which way the wind blows.
#7 Dig into her past relationships
Getting yourself familiarized with your girlfriend’s past relationships, the duration, the kind of guys that she was into, the reason for their breakup, and the person who made the call of breaking up will guide you in multiple ways to understand the situation better.
Knowing the eccentric behavior, and framing a listicle of the things that annoy your girlfriend will prevent you from unnecessarily hurting her sentiments or getting on her nerves. If you keep her happy, she will keep you happy. The want and efforts should be mutual. Study the vibes to understand better. Most things are not said, merely expressed, don’t take the expression for granted.
#8 Check her phone
If you feel that your girlfriend might be hiding things from you or cheating on you, try to check her phone. It will help you in framing a clear picture of the things that are going on in her life. You will be in a better state to either confront her or make up your mind regarding the decision that you want to take.
Remember that this step can as easily backfire too. She will demand to check and take a good lock at your phone’s content too. Make sure that you have kept your side of the slate clean lest things will become irreparably damaging.
#9 Give more time
Sometimes all that a relationship needs is time. It heals and brings conviction. Talking about things and arguing about prospects would only display a partial picture.
Hence, whenever you feel that things are taking the shape of patterns that do not bring you any good, slow down. Take deep breaths, you had become such an enthusiast that had started running all the time.
When you are patient and allow more time for your girlfriend, she will see your love for her. Most people are impatient. They break early and badly. But you can be called different. It will melt her heart.
- There won't be a big change or a shift in your girlfriend's affection even if she doesn't make posts about them.
- People like to raise their standards, as do women. Take small and meaningful steps into showing your girlfriend a marked improvement in her living style. Make it optimal. She will like it so much that she won't leave your side, and there will be no need to make public declarations about them.
- Learn to take the initiative and to communicate better. Open up your heart and keep it before your girlfriend. A wholehearted conversation brings peace and serenity.
- Trust yourself and your abilities. If you haven't done anything wrong, and you love her with your all, she will reciprocate it back. She might take some time at first. But eventually, the journey will become beautiful.