Do Guys Fantasize About Their Crush? (Yes, Here’s Why)

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We all are dreamers at some point. And guys too are not an exception. There are plenty of young guys who fantasize about their crush after they have a chance to meet with the person and suddenly feel like meeting her as often as they can.
Later, to their own surprise, they go to bed replaying the pictures of the girl and all the crazy ways in which she made them feel special. Fantasies are an exciting part of the emotional process of an individual who holds special fondness towards someone. Being a common phenomenon in a romantic journey, some men occasionally take shelter in fantasies about their special ones.
In the following article, I am going to discuss the diverse shades and different layers of this thrilling sensation guys may undergo while fantasizing about their crush.
What do guys fantasize about their crush?
The characters of fantasies do not fall into any universal patterns. They might vary based on the persons and their psychological frames. Each of them goes through a varied chain of experiences during the course of life.
Let me take you through the fantasies guys might have after seeing their crush.
#1 They dream of romantic moments
Fantasizing about someone may come through visualizing romantic moments shared together. Going on a date or being in a highly romantic situation can be one of those charming imaginations that add up to the extraordinary essence of admiring your loved one.
By fantasizing about their crush, they might take a fancy to spend dream hours of closeness and spreading the mutual warmth of tenderness with her. They are often consumed with the mushy pictures of their cozy cuddles or enjoying blissful sunsets on a dusky island.
All this eventually provides a sense of belonging and completeness that they love to cherish.
#2 They think of physical intimacy
A person having a crush on his 'special one' can find himself caught up in endless thoughts of physical intimacy with her. This does not necessarily always involve s*xu*l affinity or loud expression of opinions.
They may revolve around building a physical connection by holding hands or spending long hours enjoying the mere presence of each other.
Again, his head might be packed with passionate kissing moments and caressing her body. His gestures become innocent when celebrating the moments with her, no matter how simply he chooses to relish them, even in his fantasy.
#3 They expect an emotional connection
Guys who often love to fantasize about their crush prefer building an emotional connection with them through it. They dive into the meditation of long, meaningful conversations, talking about their shared interests, passions, and hobbies.
No wonder a guy is happy to believe in an imaginary likeness of having similar tastes, culture, values, and moral grounds developing compatibility and a stronger understanding of each other.
#4 They daydream about their crush
Daydreaming about one's crush is another pleasing window to escape from the bitter realities he has been tired of accepting. One makes a gentle choice to stay kind to himself and lets himself lose in the world of fantasy.
This is how he allows himself to break free from the chains of regular chaos and exhaustion that get the better of him more often than not.
As a result, there is a pleasurable rise of excitement, positivity, hope, and anticipation in how he wants to see the familiar things with his newborn note of optimism. The wonderful reveries morph him into a state of a trance he often loves to slip into to cross paths with her dream girl in his fictional setting.
#5 They idealize their crush
We all love to see the person we like to stand as ideal and perfect. There is always an underlying expectation that the woman we feel so fond of would turn out to be one angel of a person with a flawless character.
We meet guys who want to idealize their crush to be empathetic to their needs, demands, and the thousands of desires that the rest of the world never bothered to pay attention to.
And so, it is not unbelievable if they fancy her to be that one person with a fairytale personality with no blots of imperfection, which in turn acts as a caring mate and their princess charming.
#6 They consider her a source of inspiration
It may sound different, yet not unlikely for a guy to envision his crush as the source of motivation toward achieving his personal goals.
He pampers every little thought that makes him treat her as a guiding light inspiring him to work hard on individual growth towards excellence and success. Undoubtedly, a healthy frame of imagination gets him in the right direction. He readily switches from the real world to a world he chooses to reside in, which is a pleasant relief.
Reasons why guys might fantasize about their crush
Fantasies are born out of myriad reasons. There is hardly anyone who does not fantasize about their crush following their templates. But the forces that stimulate them can differ.
Let's get them one by one for a detailed understanding.
#1 They are fascinated by her physical beauty
It is a given that one's physical appeal contributes significantly to attracting the attention of onlookers. Hence, this can stir up a soul if he feels strongly drawn to a person for her charismatic personality, physical charm, and striking figure.
Fantasies will be the immediate reactions to their desires to linger with that person in their thoughts. The pleasure one derives from this self-made union is beyond measure.
Her gorgeous features play hypnotically intense to drive the guys crazy to the point of having wild fantasies about her.
#2 They are curious to know their crush
Harboring a genuine sense of softness for a girl may generate curiosity to know more about her. But sometimes, a guy fails to get familiar with her thoughts, mindsets, and characteristic traits. In such cases, he prefers to explore possibilities by having a fantasy about her and her habits with the brush of their inclination and fancy.
By doing so, he feels a temporary satisfaction from the belief that his ideas are not too absurd to come true.
#3 They want validation
Fantasy can be rooted in a general desire for validation. In a world of rejections and heartbreaks, a person needs to feel valued and validated, especially when it comes from his crush.
People crave approval from someone they grow true feelings for, and if not received, it is no harm in delving into fantasy.
Men with a past of feeling left out and ignored often take the help of fantasy for their unrequited love to be well reciprocated in their self-ruled kingdom.
#4 They desire emotional fulfillment
There are these moments when fantasies hit with visions of romantic encounters or a long beach walk with one's lady by his side. Again he glides into an imaginary evening enjoying a candlelight dinner with her surrounded by all the sweet-smelling flowers. This time he will be the person taking the lead in the events in his land of emotional accomplishment.
A man's unfulfilled desires and dreams are met with love and care that can never be experienced under current circumstances. Fantasy will create an alternative world of catharsis for him to dwell on with contentment.
#5 They want to express themselves
Fantasy crafts a private space where one is free to communicate and express himself. It is a self-composed narrative that is empowering and strengthening. They are ready to go to any lengths without being judged. It gives them a momentary corner of relief that won't be jolted by reality or shaken by truth.
It is, in a way going by their preferences without the fear of consequences. Therefore, fantasy lifts one to the tiny region of illusion where he and his little crush are left alone without the world of reality chipping in.
#6 They lack real-life interaction
If a guy hardly gets an opportunity to meet and interact with his crush in reality, or he is too shy to reveal what he feels about her, or he is less confident to ask her for a private meet-up, he could end up fantasizing about her with him in a place that he always wanted to take her out to. This makes up for the connection he hasn't been able to create with the girl.
He speaks his heart out to that person in his thoughts, which would have been nearly impossible in practice because of a lack of real-life contact.
#7 They see a future together
One of the reasons behind the occasional fantasies about one's crush can be that he is getting pretty serious about their relationship.
Dreaming about a future together triggers his imagination whenever he thinks of her. This may range from visions of doing household chores together to traveling to unknown places or enjoying small things of great importance. He sees a smile spreading on his lips whenever he reruns those pictures of togetherness in his mind.
#8 It lifts their mood
Guys often engage in deliberate fantasies as they know it would uplift their mood with a mist of certain and sudden happiness. And this joy is a pure blessing to experience in an otherwise world of crude reality.
Amidst all the negative impacts, they see this as the only refuge that lights them up with sheer delight. So they waste no time and take a dip into a fantasy about her charm, company, and the good times they have spent together.
#9 They look for emotional release
Life puts some of us in situations where we may struggle to suppress emotions for a long time. This puts him on the verge of a seemingly unexpected outburst. Fantasizing about his crush opens a friendly door for those pent-up emotions to settle.
He indulges in dreaming that she is all ears to listen to his words and soothe his frayed nerves in the worst moments when he needs healing. Having imaginary situations with his crush provides momentary relief to his vulnerable being that might be seeking to let go of his dark emotions.
#10 They seek company
Men who feel lonely and isolated look for the company of their favorite people with whom they can build a comfortable cell. This same loneliness strikes hard enough to help themselves by fantasizing about their crushes coming to the rescue.
Lonely people are prone to yearn for someone to count on, sometimes to listen to their silence, and sometimes to understand it. When they know the slightest chance of getting to terms with their crushes, they willingly devote themselves to visualizing a picture of their particular person, acting as a 'bliss of solitude.'
#11 They enjoy fantasy as a habit
You could also know a few guys who have a habit of fantasizing about people and things. They do not fantasize about their crushes in specific but do wander into a parallel zone of dreams.
These dreamers hate to draw boundaries and mostly love to nurture their thoughts into exploring everything they feel excellent about. There may be, however, an extra slice of pleasure in dreaming about the girls they think have great vibes with.
#12 It is a cope-up mechanism
During extreme and intense stress that affects the mental well-being of a person, fantasies help him embark on a comfort zone. Their imaginations run wild about the girl they have fallen for, and they find solace.
It's likely to enable them to discover their stronger version, pause, and get their inner forces sorted to bounce back. They build an optimistic perspective towards life because they start believing and reliving the illusions that transcend them to a completely different world with their girl.
#13 It is exciting
Our excitement reaches a fever pitch when we direct our thoughts on the anticipation of a relationship with the girl we are interested in. It is nothing but for the sake of a string of thrills that comes unguarded and gives us goosebumps the second we are lost in her thoughts.
The possibility of sharing a potential engagement with the girl of one's choice fuels up one's energy and reinforces fantasies. He keeps enjoying the moment and stays aflame.
#14 They seek closure
If their relationship with their crush did not go the right way they expected or it came to naught without a decent closure, they might step into a purposeful bunch of fantasies to reach a more defined conclusion. The malignant void and the restless state of mind probably require a steady resolution that they choose to achieve through their imagination.
They do not feel disturbed anymore by being at a loose end as they are now ready to live in the world of self-delusion called fantasy, sharing the same life with their crush.
#15 They are insecure
The feeling of love is a fountain of abundant security. We are willing to see ourselves swept up by that sense of security through the cute loving actions of our crush, be it in a utopian world. If they respond with the same kind of love, it fills us with a spurt of conviction that we are worth being loved.
So it is this insecurity that compels men to fantasize about their crush. And this becomes a visionary ladder to climb up to the height of self-worth, where they learn to believe that they deserve to feel loved and treasured by her.
#16 They are bored
Boredom and the monotony of life urge us to take a break and secure an equilibrium. With this in mind, a bored soul decides to detach himself from reality and sits back to fantasize for a few seconds.
It bears the sweetest fruits when these fantasies center around the person they feel crazy about and brings a drama of colors to the dullness of life. This is a stroke of vibrance they voluntarily add to belong to a more peaceful mental space and stop feeling lifeless.
Regardless of the reasons, you can not ignore the sweet and doting parts of the fantasies.
Continue reading because we still have a lot more to explore!
How do you know a guy is fantasizing about you?
Reading up a guy fantasizing about you can be quite a challenge. Love and fantasies have different languages to communicate. And if you indeed want to unveil the mystery, you should be a careful observer to decode his hidden desires because guys are not easy nuts to crack when it comes to having fantasies about someone. Some signs indicate the dreams a guy must be fostering about you.
So, fasten your seat belt because I will take you on a short tour of this cryptic region!
#1 His eyes have it all
If a guy is strongly attracted to you, his eyes will likely betray the fire of passion. Look through his eyes, the bottomless pools of a burning desire, and you never know when you can take a hint of his deep-seated fantasies.
You may often catch his eyes throwing secret glances at you. Look him into those eyes that can barely hold back the emotional urge for you. The constant and eloquent act of gazing at you can speak volumes for the intense affection he holds.
#2 His body language
Follow his moves and his demeanor that may fall prey to temptation. He would unknowingly try to get close to you as long as possible whenever you were around. He will find you irresistible to stay away from and be constantly out there looking for excuses to tag along if he is attracted to you.
His body language would soon divulge the spark he was trying to keep within.
You may notice him leaning on or brushing against you to relish your physical warmth. Your magnetic presence will draw him toward you without him knowing much about it.
#3 He gives you frequent compliments
He showers you with elaborate compliments about your beauty, charisma, and all the achievements you curve for yourself. He never hesitates to feel exultant at your success and praises you for every effort you put into it. Look for the way he gets selective about crafting words to glorify you.
It leaves no doubt about the guy feeling obsessed with you when you see him speak highly of your graceful presence both in private and in public in a ceremonious style. He may be all buzzing to see your new outfit or how you look with your new hairdo. It goes beyond the usual range of compliments you are used to, and that makes sense for a potential soft spot he might have developed for you.
#4 He pays increased attention
Those having their imaginations running wild for you attend to the tiniest detail that belongs to your life. A masculine display of his romantic interest in you prompts him to stay perceptive of the smallest things or smallest changes about you.
If someone has grown feelings for you, he won't be able to keep his eyes off you, and you will be on top of his priority list. He would be religiously attentive to your habits, how you touch your hair while talking, or the subtle changes in your expression.
A staunch admirer of you, he would never miss an opportunity to remember things nobody around you has cared to take notice of. This could be a clear sign of him being a committed lover nourishing his fantasies about you.
#5 He feels jealous
Cupid has hit him hard if you ever find a guy getting jealous on and off with the mention of other guys. The eagerness to know about your romantic life in every possible way is a green signal that he has fallen for you.
Men feel uncomfortable with anyone else paying extra attention to their girls or having an eye on them in a different way. And he will be the worst performer in hiding his jealousy on the protective approaches of others towards you.
With high on his fantasy, he would be miserably jealous whenever you praise other men in front of him or talk about other guys. Take it as a genuine revelation of his hidden crush on you.
#6 He is on edge
The poor chap is all pins and needles whenever you are in close proximity. He could be seen struggling with maintaining composure before you. You might catch him all over the place, fidgeting nervously to stay calm in your presence.
The unspoken tension is almost palpable as soon as he has got you close. Biting nails, shaking legs, or stumbling on words, he may turn out as jumpy as a cute little lover boy.
He would probably be a bundle of nerves by trying hard to camouflage his special affection. And this is when you should be sure that he is having fantasies about you.
#7 He talks in a low voice
A guy with a deep, resonant voice is said to take the breath away of girls who hear them. With this belief in mind, some boys try hard to lower the pitch of their voices to sound manly.
Notice if someone is working on his voice while talking with you with a soft touch of imposing depth. He would never raise it with a conscious affirmation to appear gentle, sensitive, and appealing to you.
There must be something virtuously romantic behind his extraordinarily sultry and seductive tone of words, with each syllable igniting the visions he cherishes about you.
#8 He is extra conscious of his appearance
There will be increased efforts to the presentability of a guy having a crush on you. He takes exclusive care of personal grooming or how erratically he could design himself when he stays around you. He would be ready to move heaven and earth to emerge as an impeccable image of a true gentleman.
Take it as a nod of passion from a guy focusing relentlessly on best-fitting shirts, the most relaxed jeans, or fancy cologne to get you impressed. All these are pre-measured acts to blow your heart away with his undeniable spell of allure.
If he is really up to wooing you, a lad would never take it for granted how he should imprint a textbook case of chivalry and matchless culture on you.
#9 He blushes around you
Our hearts skip a beat. The adrenaline rush keeps the flame of passion rising. We glimpse her, and a boyish grin may paint our face crimson red. A nameless series of excitement comes over, and we can't help blushing at her company.
So, the next time you see a guy drifting off or having frequent distractions, get a hunch that he is infused with your thoughts. His lips will curve into a genuine smile with his eyes fixed on you, and everything slides off to the background.
#10 He wants an extended conversation
Initiating long conversations, sharing interests, exploring views and ideas, and engaging in insightful discussion for hours on end can clearly manifest his willingness to connect.No shot in the dark. Instead, take it as a wide-eyed approach to profess his love to you.
You have often noticed that he is the one who breaks the ice in a conversation with you and keeps you hooked. Trust me, the magic has started gaining pace and will take him under its wings.
#11 He texts you a good deal
If a guy texts you often through messages or social media, he likes to be involved and responsive with you. Under any circumstance, he is likely to stay connected to you and enjoys hitting the right notes.
Take the cue if you receive loads of messages from the fellows daily with the same abiding devotion. These small talks make all the difference to allude that he feels head over heels for you.
You could interpret his promptness to respond as a gesture of prioritizing and treating you as a priceless part of his life. He is making a pass at you if he confides his secrets to you and loves staying hooked on you every time he manages to reach you.
#12 He does playful banter
A guy enjoys goofing around with the girl he has a special eye on. Playful teasing is a healthy mode of flirting without a shade of vulgarity. The guy with honest commitment will enjoy bantering around you, making witty remarks, and jolting your funny bones with his sense of humor.
He will be a master talker playing with puns and suggestive innuendos to turn you around. In all probability, he must be dying to get insight into your thoughts about him and wants you to hint back.
#13 He makes midnight confessions
It will be a fair assumption to claim that a person has fantasies about you when he considers you the only one to listen to his saintly midnight confessions. You will discover a strange new version of him pouring his heart out to you under the canopy of darkness.
His attempts to unfold his unknown self, ambitions, and aspirations might be a way to work out his plan with you and see you fitting into them.
He opens up with his deepest fears and delicate vulnerability to you to get the silent assurance that you would take the safest care of them during those delicious hours, which become the most sacred moments to hold close to his heart. The best part is you have the intuition of him waiting all day long for this particular time to arrive.
Pro tips
Here are some pieces of advice you can stick to when you discover someone fantasizes about you as his crush :
- Appreciate him if he ever summons the courage to come up and express his feelings. It will earn you respect for your compassionate approach.
- Be gentle and kind by showing that you understand and find it acceptable to grow fond of someone. Don't dismiss his emotion as a passing infatuation.
- Set boundaries if these fantasies become obsessive and overbearing. Communicate your limitations firmly and clearly to avoid misunderstanding if you are not ready to commit.
- Give it time to provide the distance and mental space to process his emotional transitions.
- You can maintain a harmless friendship with him by drawing a line of demarcation if you don't feel comfortable with romantic intimacy with him.
Excellent suggestions!