My Boyfriend Subscribed to OnlyFans (10 Reasons and Tips)

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This might put you in a very difficult situation as all kinds of thoughts and doubts will arise in your mind: is my boyfriend a pervert? Is my boyfriend obsessed with explicit content? Am I not enough for my boyfriend?
I would like to stop you there. Take a pause and take two deep breaths. I know this situation can be challenging for you, but it can be sorted out. In this blog post, I will help you figure out why your boyfriend might have subscribed to OnlyFans and what you can do about it.
Continue reading below.
Reasons why your boyfriend subscribed to OnlyFans
You are dating a guy who likes to materialize his abstract notions about other women across cultures and employ the best tactics on his girlfriend thereafter. For all you know, he might maintain a collection of explicit archives proudly.
This might make you feel uneasy because you know that your boyfriend knows so much and is dating you, so there must be a reason behind it. At the same time, you might be catching mixed feelings as to where this leaves you in the capacity of his girlfriend when he is outsourcing favors from other women.
Don’t regret this deeply. There might be several reasons why your boyfriend is an OnlyFans subscriber. Read below to know more.
#1 He is crushing on one of the influencers
While some influencers are harmless, others can be harmful. Some of them might be avid users of social media and an icon of modernity and feminism. It depends on which service is your boyfriend paying for. If he is after the explicit content, his fandom is more about curiosity.
You can approach your boyfriend by asking him what is it that he is looking for at OnlyFans, or who is his favorite artist. If you want him to realize where this all is going wrong, you can ask him to help you figure out which male artist’s content should you request.
That is when it will hit him that this is a gesture of disloyalty in thought to you. If he gets uncomfortable with the idea of you subscribing to OnlyFans, you ask him the reason and thereby, conclude your point. Remember, when being in a relationship calls for heavy duty and surges on one’s morality, and compromises their ethics, it is better to detach yourself from such a relationship. To know more, click on the link below.
Related Read: My Boyfriend Looks at Other Females on Instagram (Ways to Deal)
#2 He is playful
Perhaps you are dating a guy who is always out looking to gain attention. This can put you in a risky position for he might not have very genial tendencies and might not be well-known for resisting themselves.
Hence the moment you get the vibes that you might be dating a needy someone, put your guard on. How to identify or conclude that your boyfriend is hyperactive in securing such attention? Worry not. I have put down a listicle for you. If you feel that more than one attribute aligns with your boyfriend, that is it.
- He constantly refers to makeout
- He only calls or texts you late at night
- He uses lewd language and explicit gestures
- He likes to flash himself
- He doesn’t care about the time or place
- He has many female friends
- He is always demanding
- He keeps sharing explicit content
- He keeps encouraging you to share explicit content
- He keeps his phone gallery locked
- He has a range of toys
- He is a pro in bed
While these might not be the reason to call your relationship off, it sure is a situation that demands better control and supervision. Your boyfriend should not misapply his wishes to other women. They are meant to be secured for you. If that stands compromised, so does your relationship.
#3 He has a weird wishlist
Perhaps your boyfriend has a weird wishlist that he wants to fulfill through his platform. This could be objective or subjective in nature and can cover a wide domain that includes under its umbrella topics such as voyeurism, exhibitionism, role play, among others. He might not be very comfortable at once sharing these details with you because he might feel that you will judge him.
There are certain websites online that pose a list of questions in the form of a quiz to help you explore more about your comfortability. You can play this quiz with your boyfriend. It will act as an ice-breaking session for both of you.
Promise each other to not freak out by the results of the discovery but to find a way around it. You are dating to help each other with individual needs. Having an understanding related to it is crucial. You can always modify one’s behavior by clubbing one aspect of something with another.
It is only a matter of making an inquiry, seeking clarity, and wanting to please. If you are not comfortable with all this, you need to secure yourself an old-school gentleman who is not dirty in his moves and demands but stays more inclined to provide and please you rather than the other way around.
#4 He wants to explore his wishes
Perhaps your boyfriend is an amateur who is eager to explore his vision. This could be for a number of reasons than to primarily know the male and female anatomy.
He might be trying to study the different ways in which a man can please a woman and vice versa. He is studying the poses, the tricks, the accessories, and ways in which he could enhance the experience for himself and his partner. Besides this, he might have a fear of action and he is using this platform to overcome the drawbacks.
OnlyFans brings your boyfriend a great opportunity to first go for trial and error with the pros so that he can overcome his fear of action and come out smoother and more confident before you. Notice the way he courts you. Ask yourself why you are dating him. What is it about him that touched you so much in a place where the words of other guys failed? Now ask how you think this might have come from. He is actively engaged in courting you even when he is speaking less. He makes you do things that he would like, he knows how to dominate you.
You can be more affirmative and dominant in exchanges and try role-play to match the vibe of your boyfriend. It is important to instill within him the feeling of gratitude. He should feel grateful for you.
#5 He is under a negative influence
It is very much possible that your boyfriend was forced to subscribe to OnlyFans account out of peer pressure. No matter how old we are, we push ourselves to do things merely because our friends are doing it.
We think it is sustainable development. However, we don't see how it might be creating a negative impact on us and our other relationships. This might be the case with your boyfriend.
You can be certain when you see him with his friends. How much involved does he get with them, does he draw lines as and when required, is your boyfriend a person of character or consequence, that is, whether he acts to cause and trigger a certain result or whether his acts are more remedial after partial damage has already been done.
Answering all these will help you figure out many things about your boyfriend. You can help him if you think he needs help in many ways. The foremost is to open up and share his challenges with you.
Once you get him to talk to you fearlessly, it would mean that he is withdrawing from his friend's confidence and becoming a part of yours. As a result, you can assist him further with the help of books, building up a better friend circle, and supporting him.
#6 He is rich
The case might also be that your boyfriend is merely rich and happy that he can buy partially permeable access to someone he admires for various possible reasons.
As the saying goes, rich men and their fancies. You can treat this to be a part of their connoisseur collection. He likes to have access to things not all can have easily.
This is an essential syndrome for identifying the rich man's son. You would know that his family has either become newly rich or has been inheriting the fortune for ages so much that nobody quite cares who does what.
Such folks step into adulthood at the stage of adolescence. Now it is on you to decide if you would like to compromise your dignity to date a rich guy. While he could play the sugar daddy role for you in your life, the world would know the truth.
#7 He has a knack for artistry
Perhaps you are reading this wrong and your boyfriend's case might not be as much about a case of an obsessive syndrome for explicit content as much as it is for artistry.
He might have subscribed to the platform because he wanted to connect with the creators. He might be working on his masterpiece and might want to use the platform to meet his purpose.
Don't get all skeptical and alarmed and colored when you discover a fact. Try to gather and accumulate more facts around that one fact. It is the supporting statement that validates a thesis.
If you merely read the thesis and jump to the conclusion, you will miss the growth, development, and train of thought that might have been leading to something more concrete and meaningful.
In the process of learning things, you need to unlearn too. You cannot allow your previously ingrained knowledge to spoil the system of things with you. Judge and come to the remark section only when you are sure you have gathered the whole truth.
Partial truths are worse than lies. It can bring you greater damage than you can imagine. The best thing to do here to find your way around the problem is by confronting the act itself.
#8 He wants to be supportive
Perhaps your boyfriend merely wants to contribute towards artists or so he wants you to feel. While it can be a hard buy you might want to give him the benefit of the doubt. Check his phone to see how he makes use of it.
If he hesitates in showing it to you, you know better what to do. A place where there is no transparency is not a place worth staying. Whereas, if he doesn’t mind sharing it with you, you can talk it out and share your likes and dislikes for good.
#9 He is tired of mainstream pleasures
Perhaps your boyfriend is an addict and he is tired of mainstream means of pleasures. Hence, he has decided to make the switch to a platform that is more user-friendly and caters to one’s needs in a customizable manner.
The question that arises here is that while such behavior is understandable and perhaps acceptable for a limited period if done regularly it makes one an addict. This can have alarming consequences and your boyfriend’s expectations might take a surge.
He might put you under pressure to upgrade your style and update your wardrobe. He will want you to achieve high fitness goals. He might forget to draw the line between models and laywomen. This will put you under constant pressure as he will keep pushing your limits and bringing you new challenges every day.
#10 You never revert to his advances
It might be that your boyfriend is not happy in the relationship. You don’t revert to his advances as such. He doesn’t feel that vibe from you. There is no teasing, naughtiness, or mischief. If you don’t revert naturally to your boyfriend’s advances and let him down, he will find alternatives and eventually, your relationship will break down.
It takes much more than mere naming and commitment to foster a blend of trust, romance, and love in a relationship. Make sure that when you sign in for one, you keep a balanced contribution of all the elements on your plate to offer.
What to do when your boyfriend subscribes to OnlyFans?
Express your thoughts and views at once to him. Don’t take much time lest he might get addicted and assume that you are okay with it. The more you delay, the worse the situation will become to handle.
How to open up to your boyfriend about it? Read below to find out.
#1 Switch to a book
You can gift books with pleasing content, such as 50 Shades of Gray to your boyfriend. It will help him explore the topic more and you both will be able to experience it together. It won’t make you distant as an observer. There will be some favorite scenes and episodes that you will want to devour, discuss, relish, and enact together. It will be an enticing experience for both of you.
Moreover, neither of you will feel too desperate or damaged. You will also be able to talk about things that make you feel awkward otherwise. It will help you to bloom out of your shell and share a comfort zone with your partner which is very important for relationship sustenance.
#2 Explore you
When your boyfriend is excited and worked up about the prospect of exploring the body of a woman, why not allow him to explore yours?
The essence of a relationship is sharing such comforts. You don’t need to rush things at once. You can take it one step at a time as long as you can make sure that the graph is moving upward.
You should also share the excitement of your boyfriend when it comes to exploring horizons. He should not feel that the inclination is one-sided. It should be mutual and you both should feel desirable to each other.
#3 Text more often
Perhaps there's a gap in communication between you and your boyfriend. Have you tried texting for pleasure yet? It helps to keep one hooked to the other.
When your boyfriend sees that you are eager to explore virtually with him, he will appreciate it. After all, no matter how strong the fandom world is, he is aware that everything on that platform is limited and can never turn into a personal experience.
#4 Express your viewpoints
Unless you express your viewpoint, be it your comfort or discomfort, or partial acceptance, your boyfriend won't know what's bothering you.
Whereas, when you put forward a problem, your boyfriend and you can discuss and come up with ways to mend your problem.
Moreover, you will get to know how much your boyfriend values you over here. If he disregards you completely, you shouldn't be stuck with him.
#5 Create boundaries
Deliberately and vocally create boundaries regarding things that you don't like or can't tolerate. It will help to sanction your boyfriend's behavior and the same will be applied to you.
We underestimate the importance of creating boundaries even though it helps to play the long game. When you want to be a keeper, you will have to be a bit more tolerant towards things.
#6 He needs help
If your boyfriend constantly shows certain obsessive symptoms, he might require professional help. When he sits with them individually, he will be able to acknowledge the challenges. When he is made to sit with a group of likely obsessed people, he will gather the courage to fight this tendency off like many others. However, it should be a mutual decision to take the help. You cannot force him to do it. There are medications available to help you with this, but it is for the best to get off a habit with practice and meditation.
Tips and life hacks
- Don't immerse yourself in a relationship unless you know the person inside out. It will prevent such sudden discoveries and setbacks from occurring if you take the time to discover things about people.
- Never forget to appreciate yourself and to work a little harder for personality development. You should make it your goal to reach newer heights and touch the next milestone within a specified period.
- If your boyfriend is acting as a douchebag, he deserves to be in the garbage and not in your life. Practice detoxification in all forums. Don't tolerate behavior or patterns of behavior that are irregular and unnatural.