Boyfriend Liking Bikini Pictures on Instagram (13 Reasons)

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Some dynamics of a relationship are always too difficult to comprehend. One such is to understand the need to stare at other bodies on social media when you are already committed. The thought and insecurity that you might not be enough for them creeps in.
If your boyfriend likes bikini pictures on Instagram, and you disapprove of that, but, he doesn’t understand what the problem is since he is committed to you and the world knows it well, be afraid not. Life would have been way easier if guys started thinking about things the way girls do. But sadly they don’t. Hence, I am going to help you in getting a better hold of this problem.
In this blog post, I’ll help you understand why your boyfriend likes bikini pictures on Instagram and what should you do about it. Keep reading to know more.
Reasons why your boyfriend likes bikini pictures on Instagram
Who doesn’t like checking out the other gender, right? Your boyfriend is no different specimen. Everybody is unique. When your boyfriend sees something that has been worked and struggled towards, it shows discipline. Your boyfriend appreciates it.
However, there can be more to this if he is doing this all the time. Read below to find more.
#1 He doesn’t know you are noticing
Perhaps your boyfriend is absent-minded and is not aware that you might be stalking him. He hasn’t noticed that you are noticing, or that you mind it. The thought that you too might be checking out guys never bothered him.
The relationship is about keeping each other fueled up with good thoughts. What goes in between in the personal lives might not matter that much. We all will have our sets of strange encounters. We might get friendly and comfortable with other people. But the thought that we are blessed with our partner keeps us at peace.
Hence, your boyfriend might check out bikini women on Instagram. It is the same as the old-school way of checking out women in Playboy magazines. They get an adrenaline rush, and it helps them to feel and look better.
My advice to you is not to complicate things and make it messy in your head. As long as your boyfriend makes you the priority in his life, loves you, and cares for you, you need not bother with anything else. He is yours. Keep him, and cherish him.
#2 He doesn’t see the problem
Your boyfriend might not be on the same page as you. His way of perceiving things is different. He is unable to reason why should you care if he watches or looks at other women, or even if he carelessly flirts with them. In his heart, he is yours, and you need to trust him with that.
If you are insecure, write on a sheet of paper all the things that you are confident about and that you love about yourself. Make a listicle of how you are as a girlfriend, and what are the pros of dating you. Read them out loud to yourself.
Remember, whenever you feel insecure, you have to trust the capabilities and abilities that you bring with you to the table. Your guy is lucky to have you, and if ever he feels otherwise, he doesn’t deserve you. The moment you feel so, you should dump him and move on without a second thought. But fighting over it because he was looking at bikini pictures is not done.
#3 He imagines you in them
You don’t know how your boyfriend’s imagination works. For all you might guess, he might be fantasizing about you in bikini wear. If your body shape differs from the body shape he is looking at, you might raise a concern. But what is a better alternative?
To hit the gym together with your boyfriend. Make him sweat for it. Work hard and make yourself better every day. It will not only improve your physique, but also keep you refreshed, active, and happy.
The gym hour can enhance our routine. You get to look, move around, socialize, and familiarize yourself with the trends. You start leading the situations and taking fashion calls. Your boyfriend will move around you, and get inspired from you. It doesn’t take much to turn the tables if you are inclined to give your best shot.
#4 It satisfies his cravings
Perhaps your boyfriend gets restless too often. You might stay busy at work or might not enjoy getting playful over text as much. Hence, the time when you are not around or available, your boyfriend likes to satisfy his cravings by looking at bikini pictures.
Getting a zoomed-in look perhaps brings him a sound sleep. While the thought might not be very comfortable for you, and you might feel that he is a pervert, he sees all his friends doing this. For all you know, his friends might be the ones who are sending him these posts.
You can help your boyfriend by finding him the right group of friends. This group should be motivated, and always working towards improvement.
Once the circle changes and he realizes that he is missing so much in his life, he will change his habits. The idea of limiting his screen time, and restricting himself from using Instagram or any of the distracting applications might also occur naturally to him. You need to use all these pointers to help your boyfriend stay more ambitious in life.
A good strategy would be to ask him about his plans for the day or what is he working on to improve the station of his life. Such questions will trigger him, and show him the need for improvement. When he asks you what areas he needs to work on, don’t hesitate to point out ways in which his experiences and faculties can be enhanced. It should be in all the domains: private, social, and career.
#5 He seeks space
If you have been dating your boyfriend for a long time, the risk of making the relationship monotonous is high. This is a common problem faced by people that they fail to realize. For all you know, your boyfriend might be bored because you two aren't doing things that will keep him warm and cozy.
Bring a shift in your behavior. Work on your gestures. Make things more exciting between the two of you. Get more enticing as a girlfriend. If you feel jealous when your boyfriend looks at bikini pictures, express your jealousy before him.
It might make him feel good that even after years of dating each other, you still are possessive towards him. It will remind him of how much you love and care for him. If he is seeking space, give him so despite your longings. If he loves you, he will come back to you.
No matter how much he stares at other bodies, the satisfaction that you bring to the table, the way you know him inside out surpasses all. He will realize it too. All you need to do is bear him with patience. To know more, read the post on the link below.
Related Read: My Boyfriend Looks at Other Females on Instagram (Ways to Deal)
#6 You don’t share such pictures with him
Your boyfriend is getting pulled toward other women in bikini shots because you don’t trust him with your confidential shots. He might be wanting to see you in a bikini for a long time now. Try to recollect if he ever expressed such a desire for this.
Focus on the way he will ask you to share such pictures or how he expresses his desires. It could be a swimsuit, lingerie, or something sexy and revealing that he might have gifted to you.
Perhaps take him for a couple of bikini shots where both of you wear swimwear near the beach and pose wonderfully. You will get a break from the humdrum life. It will cheer up your spirit. You both will be instilled with a renewed craving for each other’s body. It will keep you warm and going.
#7 You have an obsessed boyfriend
Let’s talk facts here. If your boyfriend has always been obsessed with celebrities for whatever reason he might put it, he is lusty. Most guys are lusty and though it is a very general statement, it is reasonable as that is how the human body functions.
You might even discover eventually that your boyfriend is subscribed to a platform such as Onlyfans. He might keep the photos incoming. The access to one’s favorite celebrity on whom he might be surely crushing is greatly obvious.
You need to understand that some situations are meant to be taken lightly. It is not worth a fight. Your boyfriend will never get to meet these women in public or cheat on you by sleeping with them. Hence there is no solid reason why you should care or allow this to affect you in any manner.
#8 He appreciates the hard work
If your boyfriend is a fitness enthusiast, he will look at the pictures of both men and women to appreciate the limitlessness of men in which they can get fit and look better. Perhaps you are aware of what your boyfriend is looking at because he shares these posts with you. He appreciates the hard work here and wants you to share his perspective too.
There are no hidden motives here or else he wouldn’t have been so bluntly open about it. Try to take a look at his intentions in the moments of your doubt. You might find out that his line of thoughts hasn’t in any way been coinciding with yours. He has always been playing a different game altogether.
#9 He is liking what is displayed on the feed
Take notice of whether your boyfriend deliberately looks up these contents on social media or merely checks out what is shown in his feed. While you may argue that the newsfeed is based on one’s use of the search engine, this is not always the case.
There is a reason why they ask you your gender when you sign up for these applications. The politics are way more subtle than you can imagine. While things might not occur to you all at once, with time comes identification, recognition, acknowledgment, and the ability to differentiate between conducts.
#10 His ex didn’t care
Perhaps your boyfriend doesn’t mind looking at the pictures or is not affected by the insecurities much because his ex never regarded all this seriously. While I am not asking you to be like his ex or be obsessed with her because that will make your relationship very toxic you should have a filter to figure out which things are to be regarded seriously and which shouldn’t.
Instead of letting these trivial things take a toll on you, take it lightly and be happy that the social media maze is keeping your boyfriend satisfied. You have less to work about or to work on because whatever he might be doing, he is doing it virtually. Virtual reality can never take the space of real-time and effort.
You are not supposed to care about how a person uses or wastes his time on social media. You are dating your boyfriend, not mothering him. Try not to smother him with rules and regulations. Ask yourself why are you in this relationship. If the objective is to enjoy, then live freely and enjoy greatly.
#11 He is an amateur
If your boyfriend is dating for the first time, he might be too excited and too naive. He doesn’t know the dating norms yet. Perhaps hold his hands and take him on a swift ride about what are the things you appreciate as a girlfriend and what are the strict no.
Frame a dating policy about the deal breakers, the non-negotiable, and things that will reward both of your behavior with a bonus. When you are actively working towards something, and all you care for is an improvement, the thought of messing things up lessens to a great extent.
If he has been honest with you about the girls he has or has not dated in the past, and told you the reasons why he is dating you, it will act as leverage to keep your mind calm and your thoughts sync and stay aligned with your boyfriend’s thoughts and intentions. Granting the benefits of the doubt is a healthy step in preserving relationships.
#12 He's trying to make you jealous
This is a less likely reason, but it's worth considering. Your boyfriend doesn’t like it when you get very comfortable around his ex or his friends. You never show an iota of nervousness or are not into thinking of what might have happened between them.
Your face radiates with confidence. You are a happy soul and while your boyfriend might be happy about it, he is challenging you with these pictures to ensure that you are not being pretentious. Don’t let him get the better of you. Be consistent in your conduct. If you are jealous, be jealous so that your boyfriend knows that certain things will not be tolerated. If you come across as a tolerant girlfriend, remain so.
#13 Male Gaze Syndrome
Another possible factor for your boyfriend liking bikini pictures is something called the male gaze syndrome – which is when men focus their attention and appreciation toward explicit and vulnerable images of women instead of other aspects of their lives or personalities. This is a challenge faced by women all around the world.
Perhaps talk to your female friends about it and they will not only share their first-hand experiences with you but also enlighten you on how they tamed their men. A first-hand account will boost your confidence, and the thought that you aren’t sailing this ship alone will help you stay afloat.
What to do when your boyfriend likes bikini pictures on social media?
Express your distaste immediately by raising valid questions. It should be such that the responses cannot be vague. Don’t make it easy for him by asking open-ended questions. Play smart, and it will lead you in the right direction.
Continue reading below to know more.
#1 Stop taking it personally
Your boyfriend expressing a liking for someone else does not change his equation with you. Many times we like posts on social media absent-mindedly. It doesn’t mean that we will go after chasing that person.
Evaluate your boyfriend’s feelings for you. Look at his efforts. What he does, and how he makes you feel when he is on call with you, and when he is around you. The kind of people he makes you meet, the things he shares with you, all these are the parameters that shall help you to make the right call.
Preaching is always easy. However, the day you learn to practice detachment from yourself and look at the case in hand objectively, you will be able to show and handle the situation more clearly. Even if you can’t imbibe the feelings empathetically, your boyfriend will see that you aren’t like those other possessive, jealous women who curb their boyfriend’s personal space.
If you are indeed out for making something strong and concrete, you will have to take all these as minor hiccups. Asking your boyfriend to boycott himself from such indulgence will make the equation less romantic and more burdensome. Neither of you will be able to make the best of the moment or enjoy it all together.
#2 Talk about your feelings
Address the boundaries of your social media comfort zone candidly with your boyfriend. If you aren’t comfortable with him staying in touch with his ex, tell him so. Be vocal about your opinions. Talk about your feelings but don’t express them with a taste of bitterness.
A very handy practice to express your feelings without leaving the aftertaste of bitterness is by foiling them with affectionate and endearing words. Whenever you express your disapproval, make it more optimistic and imperative rather than negative. Provide suitable and switchable alternatives that he can readily agree to if he loves you, and cares to keep you.
#3 Don’t get obsessed
Don’t get obsessed or allow your boyfriend to have the upper hand on your conscience by trying to pull a bikini look yourself. While you can do it, these must neither be the reasons behind your motivation nor the way.
The first thing before you set about loving a person is to love yourself, and I am not saying this because self-affirmation is the trend of the decade. It is a proven theory that unless you are fair to yourself, do yourself right, and take time for self-pampering (not self-wastage), you will not be treated right.
Your boyfriend should know that you are high maintenance and that you will not tolerate a certain set of behavior. You are supposed to set the benchmark of conduct. While we all have animal instincts, we like to stay civilized and tamed.
Getting obsessed over anything other than yourself is madness. The love and devotion to your boyfriend should not come as an additional task. It should be a natural extension of the love that you have for yourself. When you are not paying strainful deliberate efforts and things are going right, that is when you know that you have found a gem of a person.
#4 Observe his behavior
Is he phishing? Do the likes lead to comments and DMs? Observing the behavior, the strings of comments, likes and posts is important. Scrutiny will prevent you from making a fool out of yourself.
Observe your boyfriend’s behavior also because when you decide to talk to him about the difficulties that you are facing on his account in the relationship, you can put forward your problems with supported evidence.
A palpable description and transformation of the environment via words will enable him to feel and understand you. Remember, your objective is not to break into a fight. All you are trying to do is create a better understanding between him and you by driving him on the same page as you.
#5 Ignore
Ask yourself if it is worth your time and attention, if it is not, ignore it. Allot him the free pass to do things in the way he likes. You cannot prevent a man from cheating but if and when he does it, there is no reason why you should stay back with him.
Remember, ignoring doesn’t make you weak. It shows how you are confident in your skin and you couldn’t care less for the outside world. Just work on yourself so much that you love yourself well. You should have wonderful reasons for it.
#6 Do the same
Treat your boyfriend the way he treats you. Though this might hurt you more than it might hurt him for he is not aware that you are facing such problems with him, the only reason for doing this is to make him realize the feeling directly.
No matter how well you articulate your words, there is always a gap between a first-hand experience and a second-hand account of it. Hence, though it will hurt you and it might take some time before your boyfriend sees what you are doing, it is wise to do it anyway.
#7 Take a break
If you feel that taking a break will only bring you peace, do so. Whether to make it short-term or long-term shall be for you to decide. It will not be an easy call to make but it is a necessary one.
How nicely your boyfriend can influence and impact your decision, how he deals with your call, does he respectfully keeps his distance, gets aggressive and lashes at you, or tries to convince and love you, all the same, will reveal his true colors.
Either way, the truth will be known and the right decisions will be taken, if not at once then gradually. The worst thing a person can do is to stay still. Not deciding is equivalent to getting stranded. Make your call and abide by it.
- Know your worth. That's the be-all and end-all of every statement. When you know what you are and the difference that you make in a person's life, rest everything will be taken care of. People will struggle to be with you.
- Give your boyfriend a break if you feel he is getting overwhelmed by your presence. Such acts and gestures show that the person isn't as much in love with you as they might pretend to be. A break might do both of you good.
- Never make instinctive decisions. Sometimes it's all in your mind. Practice meditation and yoga daily. It will keep you happy and enable you to make thoughtful decisions in life.